Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Donald Trump Is Not The President of the United States of America

Donald Trump Is Not The President of the United States of America.


Oh boo hoo. Who cares about the whining of another liberal snowflake who refuses to accept reality that Trump won the Electoral College to be President. OK, I’m not liberal nor a snowflake. As for reality, reality is a crutch for people who can’t handle drugs. But reality is what it is.


Donald Trump Is Not The President of the United States of America is not a statement of denial on my part. It is a perspective given evidential weight by Trump himself.




Last week, I wrote about Trump’s two-step process for making decisions.


Step one: Ask W. W. O. D.? “WHAT WOULD Obama do?”

Step two: do the exact opposite.


As I noted at the time, the upshot of such a strategy is to appease his base, the supporters who stuck with him through the primaries and delivered the election in November. Nearly every single action and decision Li’l Donnie has made is towards this group. So to repeat:


Donald Trump Is Not The President of the United States of America.


Donald Trump Is The President of the Part of the United States of America That Voted For Him.


Li’l Donnie has taken no action that would appeal to Democrats, moderate Republicans or anyone who didn’t vote for him. This is no surprise. Li’l Donnie is a spoiled petulant man-child; if you didn’t give him any candy, why should he do anything for you?


Trump pulls out of the Paris climate accords. People in virually every demographic polled were against this action. Except one: Trump’s base. “Yeah! Trump stuck up to them furriners!” 


It bears mentioning that the Paris climate accords that Obama signed on for (along with 195 other countries) are voluntary. There was nothing in the accords that made America do anything. But Trump called the accords “draconian” (Ooh! Li’l Donnie used a BIG word!) and an undue burden on our economy. Something voluntary cannot be “draconian” or “a burden” if you don’t have to do it. Pulling out of the agreement only cedes leadership to China, undermines the trust the rest of the world has in America and keeps us out of the loop of a global renewable energy economy which is where all the money and jobs are. There is literally no good reason for Trump to withdraw from this climate agreement: Donald Trump Is The President of the Part of the United States of America That Voted For Him. And that part of the USA have been suckered into thinking stuff like the climate accord is why coal mining and manufacturing jobs have gone away. Pulling out of the Paris deal is nothing more than a giant “fuck you” to the rest of America and the world and to the future. But to the Part of the United States of America That Voted For Him? “You’re welcome.”



All that matters to Li’l Donnie is holding on right now to the power that makes him The President of the Part of the United States of America That Voted For Him.


As Trump noted last week when he made his big announcement that he was elected to serve the people of Pittsburgh, not Paris. Does Li’l Donnie really think the Paris climate agreement is designed to just make the weather over the Eiffel Tower nicer? By the way, Pittsburgh took exception to Trump’s name check. “Uh, keep us out of this, OK? Don’t use our name; people might think we’re together or something. Ugh.” 


But look at everything else Trump has done which underscores that Donald Trump Is Not The President of the United States of America.


  • Travel ban on Muslims? Nobody likes it except for one group: the Part of the United States of America That Voted For Him.
  • The Obamacare repeal? Nobody likes it except for one group: the Part of the United States of America That Voted For Him. Even though this group is going to be hit the hardest by an Obamacare repeal. But these morons have been indoctrinated that Obamacare is evil and by God, trump said he would repeal it. Yep, the replacement bill is a poor shadow of Trump’s health care promises but that’s just liberals and the “fake news” of the mainstream media. So if the new deal dies on the vine in the Senate, Trump can still point to a victory of getting a bill through the House. Not his fault if others didn’t carry the ball.
  • Trump’s budget proposal? Nobody likes it except for one group: the Part of the United States of America That Voted For Him. Even though this group is going to be hit the hardest by his proposed budget cuts. But dammit, the government is too big and by gum, Trump said he would cut it down to size.


And I could keep going on and on and on but my fingers are getting tired. But Trump has been consistent in this:if it helps him to look good to the Part of the United States of America That Voted For Him, he could give fuck all about everyone else. From Li’l Donnie’s selfish perspective, he has no motivation to be President of the United States of America. Donald Trump is only interested in being the President of the Part of the United States of America That Voted For Him.

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