Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The 12 Doctors of Christmas (5)

When the 5th Doctor came to see me on Christmas Day,

He gave me...

5 stalks of celery
4 really long scarves
3 Metabilis crystals
2 flute recorders
And a TARDIS for me to fly away!

In the 5th Doctor's introductory adventure, the Doctor sticks a stalk of celery in his lapel. And kept one there for the rest of his time as the Doctor. It was explained in his last adventure that the Doctor is allergic to certain gases which the celery will alert him to if it turns purple. 

Then he eats the celery.

I presume turning purple makes the celery edible because quite frankly....yuck! 

I'm OK with celery in things, just not so much the celery itself. 

In 12 hours, be prepared to be blinded by the 6th Doctor's generosity. Or more likely that hideous outfit.

Until then, remember to be good to one another.


Hidey-ho, blog reader! Computer here posting this weird 12 Doctors of Christmas thing for Dave-El while he's off giving Donald Trump a pedicure. 

I do try to stay relevant.  

12 hours ago I got my first fan message and they were very nice but they did profess to find it hard to read text in my native font of green on black. So I'm working on that...

...but I still have a few bugs to fix. 

Maybe next time. 

But now it's time to do my education thing I call...

The 12 Days of Christmas And What It Costs.  

On the fifth day of Christmas, 

my true love gave to me...

5 gold rings 

4 calling birds
3 French hens
2 turtle doves
And a partridge in a pear tree.

5 gold rings = $750.00
4 calling birds X 2 = $1,200.00
3 French Hens X 3 = $546.00
2 turtle doves  X 4 = $1,160.00
Partridge/pear tree X 5 = $1,075.00

Total cost so far = $2,694.00

This is turning into hard work. In 12 hours, we're only halfway as we get to the 6th day of Christmas.

Until next time, remember to blink once in a while. Or something like that.

Computer (AKA “Marmalade”)*

*Can you handle my jelly? 

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