Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The 12 Doctors of Christmas (8)

When the 8th Doctor came to see me on Christmas Day,

He gave me...

8 pocket watches
7 question mark sweaters
6 silver cat pins
5 stalks of celery
4 really long scarves
3 Metabilis crystals
2 flute recorders
And a TARDIS for me to fly away!

So the 8th Doctor's giving out pocket watches for Christmas? Why? I have no idea. Mostly because he did those publicity shots for the Doctor Who movie posing with a pocket watch. So I'm imagining it was a thing for the Doctor during this time in his live... er, lives.  

The 9th Doctor brings gifts for Christmas in a mere 12 hours.

Until next time, remember to be good to one another.






What? It's what time again?

Oh crap. 

HEY THERE! I'm Computer and I'm taking care of things while Dave-El is.... 


There! Got this in human font.  Anyway, Dave-El is gone looking for a soul to steal but he's way behind and he's losing time and he's willing to make a deal. 

Dave-El has some really weird hobbies.

Me, I'm all about the learning with another installment of....

The 12 Days of Christmas And What It Costs.  

On the eighth day of Christmas, 
my true love gave to me...

8 maids a milking
7 swans a swimming
6 geese a laying
5 gold rings 
4 calling birds
3 French hens
2 turtle doves
And a partridge in a pear tree.

After that whole business with the swans in the last post, I imagine this whole maids of milking is going to be pretty expensive what with 8 people with a specific skill set and they're going to need something to milk. 

8 maids a milking = $58.00
7 swans a swimming X 2= $144,375.00
6 geese a laying X 3 = $1,080.00
5 gold rings X 4 = $3,000.00
4 calling birds X 5 = $3,000.00
3 French Hens X 6 = $1,092.00
2 turtle doves  X 7 = $2,030.00
Partridge/pear tree X 8 = $1,720.00
Total cost so far = $156,355.00

$58.00?!?! Really?!?! You know, that's just another example of the working women of this world getting less than their worth! Meanwhile, there's TWO holes that have to be dug and filled with water for those damn swans to swim around in?!?!

Whose crazy idea was it to go through this? They should be reprogrammed with an axe!!!

Oh. That was me.  

Never mind.  

In 12 hours, we advance to the 9th day of Christmas.

Until next time, remember to lick off that knife before you stick in back in the grape jelly. Or something like that.

Computer (AKA “Stormfire!”)*

*I need to update my anger management software.  

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