Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Free Comic Book Day 2017

Hi there! Last Saturday was Free Comic Book Day. My daughter and I celebrated this high holy day for geeks by joining other comics loving person in line at the best comic book shop in the world, Acme Comics of Greensboro.

I think this year’s FCBD set a record for being cold. Randie was wearing her Guardians of the Galaxy t-shirt with a flannel shirt unbuttoned over it; the shirt quickly became buttoned. Likewise I was wearing an unbuttoned plaid shirt over a Batman t-shirt but I soon buttoned up my shirt against the cold and wind. We were still underdressed. Thankfully, Geeksboro was open and they had some really good hot chocolate that brought some welcomed warmth against the chill. 

We didn’t see Jesus this year (See this post from last year) but we did stand with a young woman who is a college freshman art major; Randie is looking to pursue an art career so this was quite fortuitous. This woman and her friend are fans of manga and anime which Randie has an interest in. So that worked out well. 

Of the free comics, it is a bit distressing how many ended with “to be continued” in this comic book or graphic novel you will have to pay money for. I can’t blame publishers using these free wares to drive sales; that benefits them and the shops. But it does make the comics less like actual comic books and more like advertisements for comics. I can’t help wonder if this kind of deference to marketing over content might undermine the power and effectiveness of Free Comic Book Day. 

And what about publishers who simply reprint a previously published title people paid. I paid $2.99 for Wonder Woman#2 last year and there it was for free in my bag of FCBD 2017 goodies. Imagine paying $3.99 for Betty & Veronica#1 last year but there it is for free this year.

Closing out this post are some photos. I would’ve taken more photos but my hands were too cold. 

I know what this looks like but this is not a photo of
a serial killer and his teenage hostage.  

 Oh, I can't help it; I've got to point this out: 

Yes, they are the same person.

Here are covers from some of the Free Comic Book Day goodies Randie & I picked up.  

Of the FCBD offerings, I really enjoyed the Spongebob Squarepants issue celebrating “No Charge Funnybook Day” while eviscerating the comic book industry at the same time.

This was taken by someone at Acme Comics during a moment when the sun came out.

I’ll be back with a new post tomorrow. Until next time, remember to be good to one another.

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