Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Tuesday TV Touchbase: Quantum Leap

Last week, Andrea and I watched the fall finale of the new Quantum Leap. The last episode before the series returns in January saw Dr. Ben Song leap into a teenage boy who along with 3 other young friends are are escaping from a camp in 1996. The camp uses various means of torment and torture to help "cure" young people of drug addiction, mental depression and being gay.  So it's a real nasty place and these 4 kids are risking their very lives to escape.  

Hologram Addison tells Ben that all 4 kids are destined to die unless Ben talks them out of escaping. Except that ain't gonna happen as that camp is a really bad place. So Plan B is go forward with the escape but somehow stay alive despite being lost, dwindling supplies and suffering injuries.  

Thanks to one of the kids being inhabited by a time traveller from the future with an invisible hologram companion, the young people escape, the camp is exposed for the snake pit it is and Ben leaps to his next adventure.

But not before remembering one more crucial detail. 

Everyone at Project Quantum Leap have been trying to figure out why Ben made the unauthorized leap in the first place. It was a mystery to Ben as well, his memories messed up by the quantum accelerator.  But bits and pieces of his past are starting to come back to him, including remembering why he took on this quest into the quantum accelerator.

To prevent Addison from being killed. In the FUTURE! 

In the original Quantum Leap, time travel was limited to the past and only along Dr. Sam Beckett's life time.  In the new series, we've seen Dr. Ben Song already break one of those restrictions by visiting times well before he was born. 

Could the next limitation involve a visit to... the FUTURE? 

We'll have to see what the second half of season 2 has to bring. 

On thing I was at first a bit critical of was the amount of time spent away from whatever life and time Ben has leaped into by checking in with what's going on in the present at Project Quantum Leap. But I've gotten a bit more welcoming of those cutaways since it gives us more time to spend with Dr. Ian Wright (Mason Alexander Park), the project's artificial intelligence chief architect. Ian is super smart and also neurotic and snarky. Like the actor who portrays them, Ian is non-binary which is not a big thing to Ian's project partners which is cool. 

I kind of wish Ian could be Ben's holographic companion. Although Addison does seem to be loosening up in the role, willing to have some fun at the expense of Ben's latest predicament, much like Al would have some fun with whatever situation Sam Beckett leapt into.

Still up in the air is whatever role Sam Beckett will play in the new series. While the character is frequently name checked buy the new crew, Scott Bakula as gone on record as saying he is absolutely not coming back for the new series. Which may be true. But remember Andrew Garfield was also adamant he wasn't going to be in the last Spider-Man movie.  

The good news is Quantum Leap has apparently caught on with NBC upping the episode count to 18. It's good to see a TV show on network television getting some attention.  

And that is that for the Tuesday TV Touchbase this week.

Until next time, remember to be good to one another and try to keep it down in there, would ya? I'm trying to watch TV over here. 

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