Saturday, March 2, 2019

Anniversary #6

On March 2, 2013 which was on a Saturday, I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You began with a humble entreaty: Hi! Welcome to my blog!

Well here we are on March 2, 2019 which is also as it happens on a Saturday, I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You is still here damn it!  

Six years of whatever this is.  

I'm not always sure of what I'm doing here. Hell, sometimes I'm sure what the blog itself is doing. 

Certain posts get more attention than others.  

A post last month, on February 18th, is still getting a lot of hits for some reason and it was a re-run, an encore post from February 17th, 2014: ENCORE: A Guide To the US Presidents. 

People really must love their Presidential made up trivia.

Also, posts featuring Kimberly Guilfoyle continue to get lots of hits for this blog.  

This post from Sunday, July 22, 2018. 

A Farewell To Fox News LEGend, Kimberly Guilfoyle

And this one from Sunday, July 29, 2018

Kimberly Guilfoyle: Fall of a LEGend

Hell, even this post from Friday, February 8, 2019

Blog Bidness

Where I posted on the state of the blog post the end of Google+ and I referenced Kimberly Guilfoyle still shows up on my stats as a frequently viewed post. 

What can I say? I'm a shameless blog whore. If that's what you pervs want, FINE! 

Here's some more pics of Kimberly Guilfoyle. 

It's a cornacopia of Kimberly!

She is a rather attractive woman. Just try not to think about Donald Trump Jr fucking her. 

Which he is. 

Sorry about that.

Over all, this blog continues to do what it's done for 6 years with posts about Doctor Who and other television shows that I watch.

Coming soon, look for a post on Firefly! 

I will still cover movies. In the next couple of days, I plan to see the 3rd How To Train Your Dragon movie. And next week is Captain Marvel.

Oh hell yeah!

Sadly, there will still be politics. I've always been interested in politics but my posts on the subject in the last three years have been born less from interest and more from obligation. What is going on in politics from Li'l Donnie Trump on down is distress and depressing. I feel compelled to make a record of the inanity and the incompetence and the outright illegality of actions taken during this time in our history. No, we were not all ignorant of things falling apart while the center could not hold. We were aware even if there was precious little we could do about it other than to document it.

Now I'm bummed out a bit.


Corgis make everything better! 

OK, I'll try to feel better. 

Here's to 6 years of  I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You. As we move forward, just remember the one thing I frequently wish for at the end of most these posts:

Remember to be good to one another.   

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