Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Tuesday TV Touchbase: The Flight Attendant


A couple of weeks back, Andrea and I brought in the first season of The Flight Attendant for a landing.   

Below is a clip of the series' opening credits. It is a compelling work of art, effectively combining bold animated visuals with a discordant jazz theme that captures the mood and tone of the series.  The opening credits convey an anything can happen vibe with a sense of danger and foreboding.  

My suspicions about Miranda Croft were on the money. She can be mean and nasty but she is not the killer. 

She thinks Cassie is the killer and has the secret of where Alex hid the money he stole. 

Cassie is on a mental tilt-a-whirl desperately trying not to have a total meltdown.  

Miranda quickly susses out that Cassie is indeed just a flight attendant caught up in something way over her head. Nope, she didn't kill Alex but Miranda still thinks Cassie can lead her to the money Alex stole.

Turns out, Cassie can.

Not intentionally, mind you. But Cassie remembers a thing that leads to another thing that happens to be a thing that can lead to the money. 

Meanwhile, FBI agent Van gets a ping on the fingerprint from Alex's murder scene and yep, it's Cassie's! Van ready to go arrest her ass because he knew she was guilty all along.

FBI agent Kim has a different intuition about the case and it's an intuition that turns into fact when Annie, Cassie's attorney friend, turns up with a shit ton of evidence that Alex's family was up to all sorts of nefarious illegal shenanigans. Which Cassie and Annie's boyfriend Max literally risked their lives to find and quite frankly the FBI would've had this shit themselves if they were doing their damn job instead of rushing to judgement on Cassie.

Yeah, I'm talking to you, FBI agent Van, you preening arrogant prick, you! 

Meanwhile, Cassie's an attendant on a route to Italy where a hitman named Felix is out to kill her.  

And if all the shit that Cassie is mixed up is not enough to keep track of, her fellow flight attendant and friend Megan is mixed up in her own shit. Seems she's caught up in some corporate espionage on behalf of North Korea. And the CIA is on her ass. 

I don't want to spoil the details of how the final hour of the season rolls out but yeah, Cassie lives. 

She says good bye to Dead Alex who's been living in her head rent free since he turned up dead in episode one. She shuts down the dark places in her mind palace. She's trying to rein in her alcoholism and contemplates for the first time in her life a happy future. 

That probably will not last. There's going to be a season 2.   

Season 1 of  The Flight Attendant could've been a one and done sort of thing and the ending would be satisfactory. But there are things that can be addressed in season 2.

Megan's story is left unresolved. We last see her making one last sad phone call to her son, now in exile from her husband and son, on the run from her misdeeds. I could see the CIA possibly recruiting Cassie to locate Megan and get her out of hiding. 

it is quite possible that Alex's family, their nefarious deeds exposed, may seek some kind of retribution against Cassie and Annie for their role in exposing their schemes to the FBI.

On a personal level, the traumas of her youth that rushed back into her mind after enduring the trauma of seeing Alex murdered are not that easily resolved.  Her reconciliation with her brother Davey is significant but is just a step on a journey, much like her initial efforts towards sobriety. I imagine season 2 might see Cassie taking some steps backward in her journey to remain sober and make peace with her past. 

Kaley Cuoco is really, really good in The Flight Attendant. She inhabited the role of Cassie with a potent mixture of humor, fierceness and desperation. Way in over her head, Cassie would find unexpected strength and resourcefulness in a variety of stressful situations that threatened to break her at every turn.  

The story arc over the course of the season was a labyrinth of plot twists and elements of danger worthy of an Alfred Hitchcock film.  Season 1 is a wild ride of thrills and chills; it was a lot of fun to watch this mystery unfold.

Season 2 has a high bar to reach.

Wrapping up this post is a song by Sia that plays over the closing scenes of the season finale, "Angel By The Wings".

And that is that for this week's Tuesday TV Touchbase.

Next week, our attention turns towards Loki on Disney+.  

And the week after that, it's season 2 of Batwoman.  

Until next time, remember to be good to one another and try to keep it down in there, would ya? I'm trying to watch TV over here.   

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