Tuesday, April 4, 2017

This (NON) Sporting Life: Carolina Champions

This is an installment of This (NON) Sporting Life, a blog post about sports written by a guy who doesn't know much about sports. 

Yes, I’ve gone on record as being a fan of the Duke Blue Devils but congratulations are due to the UNC Tarheels for winning the NCAA Men’s basketball championship. Hey, it makes my wife Andrea happy so that’s a good thing. 


I actually kind of feel sorry for Gonzaga. I remember years back when Gonzaga would get into the NCAA tournament as a low seed, then surprise everyone by advancing further than anyone expected. Then Gonzaga started getting higher seeds and would get bumped from the tourney earlier than anticipated.

This year, the stars seemed aligned to finally deliver to Gonzaga a great tournament run. Andrea, who I will remind you is a Carolina fan, picked Gonzaga to win the whole thing in her tournament bracket. There are no greater doubters of Carolina basketball than fans of Carolina basketball. I as a Duke fan have had more confidence in the Tarheels than a lot of Carolina fans. 


One night a few months ago, Andrea came to bed after staying up to watch a UNC basketball. She was clearly not in a good mood so I assumed the worst. “Sorry Caroilina lost, “ I said. “No, they won!”, she replied. Then why was she upset. “They should’ve won by more!”


Carolina fans: so hard to please ‘em.


After Carolina’s win over Gonzaga Monday, someone posted on Facebook a reminder that Duke had beaten the national champions TWICE this season. OK, that’s true but still a dick thing to say if you ask me.


So for now, congratulations to the 2017 National Champions UNC Tarheels! Way to go! You make North Carolina proud.


And when the next season gets underway, Duke will go back to kicking your tail. But for now, you done good!

Until next time, remember to be good to one another.

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