Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Not Much To Report

Not much to report with this post. 

The road trip with my daughter to Randie to my home town on Saturday was pleasant and uneventful. We just chilled out with my stepbrother Roger at our mom’s house, eating take out from Fowler’s Grill which is this small town literal hole in the wall grill where they make the best hamburgers. We watched Speed which is one of those movies I have seen before but not at one time or in the right order. Saturday, I got to see Speed at one time and in the right order.  There’s a lot of violence and Sandra Bullock is simply.. a delight.


Inexplicably, we caught the last half of CHiPs, the movie based on the TV show about motorcycle cops with the California Highway Patrol. The movie is a bit of a mess. BUT..at one point, we get to see Allison Janney’s boobs which are spectacular.  OK, they may not have been Allison Janney’s real boobs, they may have been stunt boobs.  At one point, we get to see boobs which are spectacular. 


After burgers, movies and recovering Randie’s headphones (which was the ostensible purpose of our journey), we made the return trip back to the Fortress of Ineptitude to rejoin Andrea where we watched the live action version of Beauty and the Beast.  There’s a lot of plot holes and Emma Watson is simply.. a delight.


Andrea and I finished off The Crown on Sunday.  There’s a lot of royal intrigue and Claire Foy is simply.. a delight.

Really, not much to report.

Remember to be good to one another.  

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