Saturday, January 6, 2018

The Politics of Delusion

Here are some headlines from Thursday that caught my attention. 

Trump Administration Proposes Massive
Expansion Of Offshore Drilling
The president looks to open the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific oceans in his push for an “America-First Offshore Energy Strategy.”

What's driving this push? Despite his rhetoric towards his base, Trump is always in the corner of big business and this is just a big bone to toss towards his cronies in the big oil companies. Throwing open the ocean and the Artic to oil production is the sort of thing that appeals to Li'l Donnie: It's big and it's simple. Also, as is the case with most things Trump wants, it's virtually unnecessary.

America's energy needs are being met and indeed, the United States is a big exporter of oil. But this does not fit Li'l Donnie's delusions that the U.S. is under the boot heel of the rest of the world owing to Obama (yes, him again) not letting oil companies drill for oil in the Artic and off our coastlines.

Also, one should observe that states most impacted by these changes are California, Oregon and Washington, states that Trump lost in the 2016 election. California contributed a lot to Hillary Clinton's popular vote total over Trump, a particular point of annoyance for Li'l Donnie.     

Would Trump actually be that petty?

Well, yes, of course he would be that fucking petty!!

President Says Bannon ‘Obviously Changed His Tune Pretty Quick’

As we observed in Thursday's post, Tantrum Trump came out in force against Steve Bannon for his comments in the White House tell-all book, Fire and Fury. Bannon subsequently appeared on a radio show where he made it clear that he still sees Trump as the standard bearer of the populist movement that Bannon reportedly champions.

Trump as always is quickly drawn to flattery of any kind and took Steve's words as a capitulation. 

Steve said nothing that makes Trump look less like a fucking moron but such is Trump's delusional state is that even the slightest deference to Trump is a victory for Trump. 

Time travelling Hitler: Yes, I launched all out war against Europe and the rest of the world! And I rounded up millions of Jews into concentration camps where they were tortured and murdered! Also, Donald Trump's a pretty cool dude, you know?

Trump: Hey, Hitler said I was a pretty cool dude!  

Jeff Sessions Unleashes Federal Prosecutors On Legal Marijuana

I'm not exactly a pro-marijuana person but I understand that compared to the opioid crisis and the use of crack cocaine and meth, marijuana is fairly benign. When administering the finite resources of police departments, the judiciary and the prison system, marijuana has become viewed as less of a priority. 

Attorney General Jeff Sessions sees it differently: a crime is a crime is a crime. So who benefits from a tougher approach on marijuana? 

Remember a lot of prisons are privately run by big corporations with balance sheets and an eye on making a profit. It's hard to make a profit on empty prisons. One way to full those prisons is to arrest more people. A racking a few hundred arrests in short order for a variety of marijuana offenses is pretty easy to do. 

Also consider the question, who pays? California just rolled out widespread legal marijuana use at the start of the year. You know, California?  The state that contributed a lot to Hillary Clinton's popular vote total over Trump in 2016, a particular point of annoyance for Li'l Donnie.    

Is it too far to think Trump would encourage his Attorney General to pursue a course of action to hurt a state that did not demonstrate sufficient genuflection towards him in the 2016 general election? 

Well, maybe. But over the course of the last year, California as been at the crux of continual resistance to Trump's actions and policies.  

So considering Trump's delusions, maybe not. 

Hey, speaking of Jeff Sessions, get a load of this headline.

Freedom Caucus Leaders Suggest
Jeff Sessions Should Go 

The Freedom Caucus are the hardest right wing nut cases in the Republican party, devotees to the cause of conservatism. Most conservatives are not big on lax enforcement of anti-marijuana laws but most conservatives are also not big on federal government overreach of states' rights. Jeff sessions decision to go after marijuana users in states that have made marijuana legal would seem to me be an epitome of federal government overreach of states' rights. 

Marijuana was not on the Freedom Caucus' radar.

No, the call by the Freedom Caucus for Jeff Sessions to step down is attributable to the Trump-Russian investigation by the Department of Justice.  


OK, because of his involvement with Trump campaign and some contradictory answers given by Sessions during his confirmation hearings, Sessions recused himself from the Trump-Russian investigation to avoid any semblance of conflict of interest. Probably the one and only right thing Sessions as done as Attorney General.

As you know, Li'l Donnie did not like Jeff doing the right thing, thinking Jeff Sessions' job is to protect the president which it isn't. Also, Li'l Donnie still persists in regarding the whole Russia mess as "fake news" invented by the Democrats as an excuse for losing the 2016 election.

Apparently, the Freedom Caucus are parroting Trump's talking points so they think Sessions should step down as Attorney General for not doing his job when he recused himself from the Russia investigation which has turned up squat in terms of any collusion.

Never mind that the Russia investigation seems to be honing in closer and closer on parties close to Trump. Maybe not collusion in the exact sense of the word but it seems clearer that the Russians and persons associated with Trump and his campaign were up to some kind of (to quote Steve Bannon) "bad shit". 

Still, it does seem a bit odd timing for the Freedom Caucus to be directing their ire at Jeff Sessions now about the Trump-Russian investigation. 

Maybe they've been smoking some of that them there marijuana I've done been hearing about.  

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