Friday, January 12, 2018

Roy Moore II: Electric Boogaloo (Or "This Shit Never Ends")

In Arizona, former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced that he will seek Jeff Flake's Senate seat.

In 2017, Arpaio was convicted of criminal contempt of court for ‘flagrant disregard’ of a federal judge’s order to halt his signature immigration round-ups. He was pardoned by President Donald Trump.  Arpaio, 85, was sheriff for 24 years where he was oft charged with racial profiling, birtherism and cruel conditions for inmates in his jails.  

If this sounds familiar, an ancient ultra-right wing ideologue known for his indifference to the rule of law, well, that describes Roy Moore as much as it does Joe Arpaio.  There is a possibility that Joe Arpaio and the other alt right candidate Kelli Ward could split the ultra-conservative vote to the benefit of establishment favorite Martha McSally.  But it was predicted that a Roy Moore and Mo Brooks split would help Luther Strange in Alabama and it did not happen that way.  

Now the reason I wanted to address this here his not just that a state's electorate will once again have to a chance to pick a right wing ideologue for public office but a really OLD right wing ideologue.

Joe Arpaio is 85 years old. Roy Moore is 71 years old. Donald Trump is 71 years old. Noticing a pattern here? These crazy people with their crazy ideas are OLD people.

You know what? That's fine. Old people should have crazy ideas. They're old. Let 'em say offensive stuff about black people and gay people and Mexicans. Feed them some pudding and hope they spelled your name right in the will. Just roll with it.   

You don't fucking elect them to public office!   

There's some suspicion that Donald Trump has dementia but we can't prove it scientifically and even if we did, could we do anything with that information. If Trump has dementia now, he's still pretty much acting the same way he did in fucking 2015 when he came down the fucking escalator to fucking announce he was fucking running for fucking President!


Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Letting the anger get to me.

<deep breath>

I'm... fine.  

So here's the thing. If he's acting now the way he was then, can Trump be removed from office for having dementia when he was elected to office having dementia?



Whoops. Sorry.  

Being a leader means leading. Going forward. Look towards tomorrow. At a certain age, like becomes a matter of looking back. At age 85, Joe Arpaio is firmly rooted in looking backward, Arizona.

Leadership, true leadership, is looking forward.

And speaking of living in the past, check out this headline

Joe Arpaio Revives Racist Obama Birther Conspiracy

Really? This shit never ends.

Joe Arpaio on Wednesday questioned the authenticity of former President Barack Obama’s birth certificate, a revival of a racist conspiracy theory championed for years by President Donald Trump.

Arpaio told CNN’s Chris Cuomo: “It’s a phony document. We have the evidence, nobody will talk about it, nobody will look at it, and anytime you want to come down or anybody we’ll be glad to show you the evidence.”  

This is not new ground from Arpaio, claiming Obama’s birth certificate is fake. He was one of the biggest proponents of the birther movement, which questioned the legitimacy of the country’s first black president.  Arpaio even sent a deputy to Hawaii in 2012 to investigate.

The whole birther movement came to be during Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, but was revived in 2011 when conservative public figures, including Donald Trump, talked about it. Obama released a short-form birth certificate in 2008; in April 2011, he released a long-form version.

That didn’t stop Trump and Arpaio from expressing doubts about its authenticity.  

In the summer of 2016, Trump made a statement that Obama was born in the United States as if he was wading into to stop a fight someone else started when in fact it was Trump who did more than anybody to keep the birther movement alive and flourishing. He lied about his own involvement in the movement, blaming it as he does most things on Hillary Clinton.

So Obama’s been out of the White House for a year and the conspiracy theory that his place of birth was not in the United States is alive and well?

Really? This shit never ends.*

*And speaking of shit, there will be a post about Trump's "shithole" comments later today. 

AND his latest Obama lie.  

Really, this shit never ends.

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