Tuesday, February 27, 2018

In Winter's Shadow

Winter is not kind to my family.
January last year, my mother died. When my father died 9 years ago, it was in January. Two years ago, my wife Andrea’s mother died in January. Four years before that, Andtrea's grandfather passed away in February.
Death has come to pay us a winter visit once more.
Her name was Emily Buchanan, my wife’s great aunt, the last vestige of Andrea’s family of elders. When I first met Andrea nearly 30 years ago, she had a large, extensive family but even then, so many of them were so very old. Now with Emily’s passing, only her father and her brother remain of her family.
My daughter Randie had a special relationship with her great Aunt Emily. For family gatherings, Andrea and I would pick her up from her house and later drive her back home. In the back seat, when Randie was still a little girl, she took enormous delight in regaling Aunt Emily with her stories and showing off her latest toys. And Emily in turn took great joy in sharing this time with Randie. It was a tradition that continued even as Randie got older, moving to the front of the car to drive, Emily ensconced in the passenger seat next to her, both finding joy and love in the company of each other. 
Emily was warmly accepting when Randie came out to her. Emily was a very special person. 
Emily Buchanan was 93 years old. She was moving slower, requiring more assistance to get around as she got older. But her mind was still sharp; she was intelligent, wise, witty and full of so much love for her family. I felt so welcomed and loved in her company. And I will miss her. 
Emily had a fall a month ago. In her frail physical condition, breaking her hip. It was a traumatic experience requiring surgery. At her age, such surgery would be a daunting prospect. Then she got the flu. And pneumonia. It was more than she could take.
This morning, Emily left us. We are sad for her absence from our world but blessed in knowing that heaven is a brighter place now. 

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