Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Random Thoughts

Li’l Donnie Trump wants a military parade and it looks like the Pentagon is looking into it. So Trump’s transformation into Kim Jung Un continues. Nobody showed up for his inauguration. Now he can have a big party because he can order people to be there. This is just about feeding his ego.


Under the subject of “never under estimating stupidity”, about 75% of Trump voters think the FBI is plotting against Li’l Donnie. The full court press by Trump and moron minions like Devin Nunes is working, at least on the dumb ass base that put Trump in office.  Fox “News” is really banging on this drum pretty damn hard. And guess where the Trump base gets 95% of its news?


Meanwhile, the Russians are helping. A number of pro-Trump, anti-Mueller hash tags trending on Twitter have been directly linked to Russian created bots and programs or individuals with strong sympathies to the Kremlin.


If the world seems too crazy and you just want to get off the planet, here's some good news: SpaceX successfully launched a rocket and sent Elon Musk’s Tesla roadster into space.  The rocket did not blow up on the launch pad so that was a good thing. The rocket blasting through the upper atmosphere did look pretty cool which was another goal for SpaxeX. Did not explode? Check! Look cool? Check! Good job, guys! Take five, smoke 'em if you got ‘em. 


Looking towards stepping off this mortal coil are a number of musicians who have announced farewell tours. Paul Simon will be getting underway with his “See Me Before I Die” tour and Elton John has stated his next tour will be his last.  Ozzy Osbourne is also on a farewell tour although I think he might be about 20 years too late; I think Ozzy has been dead for a while but is in too much of a drug induced stupor to actually fall down.  

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