Friday, February 16, 2018

Trump In the Wake of Tragedy

In the wake of the tragic mass shooting at the Parkland, FL high school on Wednesday, how’s our moron in chief been doin’?


Being his usual dumbass self, what else?


Li’l Donnie went on Twitter Thursday morning to say that neighbors and classmates should have reported 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz to authorities after he first exhibited disturbing behavior.


So people are mourning the dead and dealing with the shock of this horror and Trump’s first instinct is to blame these very people for being complicit in the creation of their tragedy?


Yeah, Dumbass Don, somebody should’ve told somebody. The thing is people did tell others about Nikolas Cruz. A lot.


The thing is authorities can only do so much. Law enforcement’s job is to enforce laws. Well, duh! And if Cruz wasn’t breaking any laws, there’s precious little enforcement of laws that law enforcement can do. Cruz may have been a disturbed individual but until he actually broke a law, cops couldn’t do anything.


Mental health people have limits too. Turns out Cruz was being seen by mental health professionals but he was not forced or mandated to go into treatment so mental health people had no authority to keep him in treatment. Cruz brought himself into treatment; he could take himself out.


And even with all that, Cruz was legally able to buy a gun. An assault rifle, for crying out. It was perfectly legal for Nikolas Cruz to purchase a weapon that has as its sole designated purpose the ability to shoot and kill as many people as possible in a short span of time.


Yeah, Dumbass Don, somebody should’ve told somebody. People did.


And yet, here we are.


And Li’l Donnie’s not done yet. Get a load of this brief statement he made.


"We are committed to working with state and local leaders to help secure our schools and tackle the difficult issue of mental health. It is not enough to simply take actions that make us feel like we are making a difference. We must actually make that difference."


Notice what was NOT mentioned. Guns. 


Hey, Trump! Nikolas Cruz didn’t kill 17 people with his poor mental health. No, he killed them with a fucking assault rifle!


Li’l Donnie’s words were of comfort… to the NRA. To the injured and dead, to families torn up with grief in Parkland, FL, to anyone with an ounce of human empathy elsewhere in this nation, on this planet, his words don’t mean a damn thing.


During his campaign, Trump made a big deal that America was drowning in violent crime, that we were a nation consumed by anarchy with criminals running rampant and unchecked in the streets. He swore that when he was President, those days would be over, that people would no longer have to live in fear of being shot. It was a claim he repeated at his inauguration.


So far, Trump has taken all of one action regards to gun control while in office. That act was to repeal a rule set up under Obama (of course) that made it harder for mentally ill people to get firearms. The one fucking thing this god awful turd of a man has done is to make it easier for the mentally ill to get guns.


There are many, many reasons that I do not refer to Trump by the title of “President”. He doesn’t deserve it; he has not earned it. That right there is one especially egregious example. His one act regards to gun control was not made in service to the safety of the American people but to serve his petty need to overturn anything Obama did and out of loyalty to the NRA who helped put his fat ass in the Oval Office.


Once again I am left with a sense of rage and an overwhelming sadness. Once more lives have been lost and I have absolutely no hope that the future will be any better.

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