Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Run, Li'l Donnie! Run!

So Li’l Donnie Trump claimed that if he'd been present at the Parkland school shooting, he'd have "run in there even if I didn't have a weapon".


There is no way to measure how deep my skepticism is about that statement.


I mean, can Cadet Bone Spurs actually run? Last year, when Trump was meeting with other world leaders who were walking everywhere and this fat fuck was riding around in a golf cart. Remember how he use to chastise Hillary Clinton for having no stamina but poor Li’l Donnie couldn't keep up with Angela Merkel on foot. This moron can barely handle walking. He damn sure ain’t running anywhere.


And that he would run into an active shooter situation? Dude! You're such a coward, you won’t even defend stuff you say on Twitter. You’re not gonna stare down a bad guy with a gun.


Meanwhile, Trump still thinks arming teachers is a good idea.


Here’s what Seth Meyers had to say about that. 


"This is one of the worst things about having Trump as president. Every time he goes on TV and blurts the dumbest things in the world, the rest of us have to debate it like it’s a real idea. He says, 'Hey, I think we should take incredibly stressed out people who make $30,000 a year and give them guns,' and then Wolf Blitzer has to stand there and go, 'Fuck, well, let's ask the panel.'"


If you think Congress is actually going to take up gun control, well, fuck that.


Speaker Paul Ryan said “we shouldn’t be banning guns for law-abiding citizens” but “focusing on making sure that citizens who shouldn’t get guns in the first place, don’t get those guns.”


Now maybe you’re wondering why anyone, even law-abiding citizens need automatic weapons, let’s turn to CNN and Wolf Blitzer.


 'Fuck, well, let's ask the panel.'



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