Friday, December 21, 2018

Once More, the Wall

OK, as I write this, the US government is staring down the prospect of a shutdown because Veruca Salt…. Er, excuse me, Donald Trump wants a WALL and he wants it NOW!
How did we get here? You can thank Fox News.
Last week, Li’l Donnie got into a knock down/drag out with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer who let Trump build his own trap then walk into it, saying he would shut down the government to get his wall.
Earlier, in the week, the word started going out that Trump might be amenable to a budget deal and negotiate provisions regarding the wall. 
The Fox News called Trump a pussy.
The screaming pundits and the perfectly coiffed hosts on Fox said, “Hey, Trump, the wall is your big thing and you’ve got Congress by the short and curlies. Don’t let go now! If you do, you’re a big pussy!”  
Trump lurched right back in to drama mode, threatening to veto any legislation that did not include the funding he’s requesting for the border wall. 
So here we are, all because Li’l Donnie didn’t like that Fox News was being mean to him. 
One constant refrain we hear from Trump and his sniveling sycophants equating “border wall” with “border security”. Li’l Donnie will say he’s willing to shut down the government not because of the border wall but for border security.      
“Border wall” does not equal “border security”.
One might argue that a border wall is needed for border security but that’s not what is at stake here.
The border wall is a big shiny thing to distract the ignorant masses from actually solving any issues with immigration and border security.
Here’s a nasty secret about the Republican Party. As much as they rant and rage about illegal immigration and border security, a lot of Republicans are OK with the status quo.
One way to keep more money in my pocket is to put less money in someone else’s. If I want the landscaping around my mini-mansion to be well groomed, there’s nothing like illegal immigrants who are willing to be paid under the table for less money than their American citizen counterparts. If you’re look to cut corners in wages and benefits, illegal immigrants are good for business. 
So here’s where the wall is helpful if you’re a Republican. Anyone looking at the logistical nightmare of building such a wall with an ounce of common sense will recognize the wall for the costly boondoggle it is.  This person opposes the wall. You, Mr. Republican (and odds are, yes, you’re a man) equate “border wall” with “border security” and say the other guy opposes “border security”. The white undereducated morons vote you back in because you’re tough on them there illegal Mexicans who are taking their jobs while back home, you hire a half dozen illegal Mexicans to put in that Japanese rock garden your wife has been bitching at you about for months now.
You don’t need to actually build the wall. You know the idea of a border wall is a costly and ultimately ineffective deterrent. But the rubes back home don’t get that so you just need to fight more it so you look tough on border security. 
Then a complete and total idiot gets elected President and oh shit, we’ve really gotta build a wall now?
You know the wall is a waste of money. You know there are actually effective measures that would do more to curb illegal immigration. But come on, the Japanese rock garden is not quite finished yet and those Mexicans do work very cheap. 

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