Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Tuesday TV Touchbase: Batwoman


Batwoman meets its mid-season finale with a fairly significant change to the status quo.

Mary Hamilton has the evulz!

Earlier in the season, Mary got infected by "Poison Ivy" and not the plant that makes you itchy but whatever it is that turned Pamela Isley into a maniacal plant controlling uber-villain.  

There were some clues that something was up. 

  • Gaps in Mary's memory.
  • Mary was always excessively drinking water.
  • Mary suddenly is really, really good at botany.

And Team Batwoman did not have this on their radar at all.

I mean, they did have a lot on their respective minds. 

  • Rene Montoya is pressuring the team to recover the lost Bat-villain artifacts.
  • Luke Fox is still trying to figure out how the Batwing armor works.
  • Ryan Wilder's birth mother is alive and is high powered business woman Jada Jett whose business is business and you best keep your business out of her business or she will show you the business. Or something.  
Which is all no damn excuse to ignore Mary Hamilton that way. How bad is it that the only one who seemed to be paying attention to Mary's metamorphosis is Alice. 

Yep, psychopathic murderer Alice is Mary's one source of support.  

And things end with Mary in full emerald regalia as that plant mistress of crime, Poison Ivy.

More to come in January. 

Meanwhile, Andrea and I are following the Argmeddeon event on The Flash. More about that after I get those 5 episodes done.

We have three episodes to go for Andrea and I to finish off Star Trek Discovery.

And I am halfway through the 6th season of Justified.  As much as I enjoy this series, it's clear that the pressures on Raylan Givens and Boyd Crowder are building towards a final and I presume fatal resolution. 

Tomorrow, it's Doctor Who Is NEW! as I post about this past Sunday's episode.

Until next time, remember to be good to one another and try to keep it down in there, would ya? I'm trying to watch TV over here.   

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