Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Tuesday TV Touchbase: Supergirl

The Supergirl series came in for a landing last week. 

On one hand, I was sad to see it go. I was there from day 1 when Supergirl premiered on CBS about a plucky young woman who works for a media company who finally embraces her destiny as a super hero. 

On the other hand, Supergirl could not end fast enough, staggered and battered by confusing, scattershot storytelling. The first half of season 6 barely featured Supergirl, leaving her trapped in the Phantom Zone. I imagine some this were choices forced on the producers due to COVID restrictions and Melissa Benoist giving birth during the break before Season 6.  Whatever the practical reasons for this process, the first half of season 6 was a frustrating loop of "Oh no! Supergirl is trapped in the Phantom Zone! She's almost out! Whoops! No she's not! To be continued."  

The second half of the season was dominated by some cockamamie scheme by Nyxly, a 5th dimensional imp with a mad on at her dear old dad who sent her into exile but she's going get back at her dear old dad by collecting some doohickeys called Totems that represent stuff like Love and Hope and Avacado Dip yada yada yada and when all brought together form the All Spark (Whoops! That Transformers!) form the All Stone which will enable Nyxly to defeat dear old dad, rule the 5th dimension and redo all the drapes in all the living rooms and I really just don't care anymore!!

Then Lex Luthor gets involved because he loves Nyxly. 

What the who what when now?


Uh....    Ewww? 

Apparently Lex Luthor has been to the future where allegedly he and Nyxly become a major power couple in a very literal sense in that they rule everything, changing all the chocolate pudding cups to celery sticks and who knows why evil people do what they do?

But Nyxly gets killed and heartbroken Lex has come back in time to make sure the love of his life doesn't make the same... mistakes... that...  that... 

Oh, I am losing the will to live. 

OK, having Jon Cryer back as Lex Luthor is a always a good thing but...

Lex Luthor... in love... with Nyxly?

Why, Supergirl? Why are you doing this to me? I was there on day 1 when you started on CBS and CBS really didn't know why you were there! I was loyal! I was true! 


Over the course of whatever the hell Lex and Nyxly are up to, William Day gets murdered by Lex.  

William was the cute reporter guy with the British accent introduced about... I supposed I could look this up but I'm too tired to care that much... I'm going to say 2 seasons ago? 

Anyway, he's dead. My wife Andrea was very sad about it. I'm trying to remember his name.

"We will make Lex pay for murdering William Day!" 

William Day! His name is William! Thank you!  

Assuming Lex wasn't lying that he and Nyxly were in love the first time around (and it's usually a good idea to assume Lex is lying about something), he can't bring the romance a 2nd time which winds up with Lex and Nyxly flying around zapping each other with... energy stuff. 

As they grow more powerful, the people of Earth are turning gray and getting super depressed. It's time for Supergirl to save the day...


No, what show have you been watch for 6 years?

Supergirl saves the day by making a speech. With some help from some ass pull tech from Brainy and a magic spell from Lena Luthor.


The people of Earth feel better as they shift from gray tones to Technicolor while a depowered Lex and Nyxly get sucked into the Phantom Zone and THANK FUCK THIS STORY IS OVER!!!!

Then in a remarkable turn of events, the last half hour of Supergirl redeems itself. 

Alex Danvers and Kelli Olsen get married in the gayest lesbian wedding ever on network television.  Alex is sporting a sleek white pants suit with a row a diamonds woven into her buzz cut. 

Their daughter Esme (who is just the cutest thing ever!) is their flower girl.

Winn Schott is back from the future and joins Kara Danvers for a duet! 

Jeremy Jordan and Melissa Benoist, everybody! Don't it give you chills? 

For "Supercorps" shippers, sorry but not completely unexpectedly, the queer baited Lena/Kara relationship is not to be. OK, I'm not one to think that every strong same sex friendship needs to be transformed into a romantic relationship but the come on! The way Lena just frickin' looks at Kara and the way Kara....

Yeah, CW screws the pooch on this again. Sorry, first no Destiel and now no Supercorps.  

Mechad Brooks drops in as Jimmy Olsen and the OG Super Friends have a nice little chat about the old days with their hidden office at CatCo so Cat Grant wouldn't know what they were up to.

And speaking of Ms. Grant...

Calista Flockhart is back in the house, y'all! Cat Grant has bought back CatCo, puts Kara Danvers in charge as Editor In Chief and tells Kara she knows Kara is Supergirl. 

And convinces Kara to share that with the world. 

Kara has been super stressing trying to reconcile her two lives as Supergirl and as Kara Danvers.  Cat's answer is for her to live one life, not to choose one over the other but integrate her two halves into one whole person. 

The last scene is Kara sitting down for an interview with Cat Grant who introduces her to the world as Kara Danvers  but also known as Supergirl. 

The relief and joy on Kara's face in the moment is palatable.  

Despite the muddled confusing mess of storylines for the last season, the series finale of Supergirl does stick the landing with characters in places that changes the status quo but also leaves them in check to still be out there saving National City and the world.

It is an ending filled with hope.

Much like Supergirl herself.   

Tomorrow, it's Doctor Who Is NEW! as I post about this past Sunday's episode.

Until next time, remember to be good to one another and try to keep it down in there, would ya? I'm trying to watch TV over here.   

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