Thursday, December 9, 2021

George Perez

Today's comic  book theme post is most decidedly not a happy one.

And it concerns one of the best artists who ever worked in comics.

George Perez has pancreatic cancer.

And tragically it's terminal. 

George Perez made his mark at Marvel working on a variety of minor features like the martial artist White Tiger. 

Perez was always excellent at detailed cityscapes and here he adopts a Will Eisner motif of using buildings to spell out White Tiger's name. 

He would quickly move on to higher profile work on Fantastic Four. 

And on the Avengers.  Team books is where George excelled, able to beautifully draw any individual character and insanely detailed crowd scenes. 

Check out the mash up of almost everybody from both Marvel and DC.

At DC, George would draw the Teen Titans and the Justice League before moving on the ultimate team book, Crisis on Infinite Earths.  

Sometimes lost in the spectacle of his team books was the amount of detail George could put in a single drawing. Check out this black & white print of a Batman cover George drew.

Damn, that's good! 

Besides being a master draftsman at the drawing board, George was a creative force as a writer as well. It was George who brought respectability and A level talent to Wonder Woman for maybe the first time ever. 

George Perez is my favorite artist.  He brought power and finesse to everything he drew. 

George Perez has decided to forego the rigors of chemotherapy, opting to not endure the pain such treatments can cause. The number of his days may be shorter as a result but they will be spent clear eyed and embracing the warmth of those who surround him with love and affection.

An amazing artist, George Perez is facing his final days as an amazing man. 

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