Sunday, February 20, 2022

Cinema Sunday: Rock 'n' Roll High School


Today's Cinema Sunday takes a look at movie that I happened to catch one very late weekend night a few months back. 

It was 2:00 AM and trust me, Rock 'n' Roll High School should not be viewed any earlier than that. 

Made in 1979, Rock 'n' Roll High School is Vince Lombardi High School which keeps losing principals to nervous breakdowns because of the kids don't need no education when it's all about the rock 'n' roll, man! 

Yes, rock 'n' roll is destroying America's youth! Will someone please think about the children?!?!

Yes, this movie was made in 1979 and not 1959.  

The rebellious leader of the rebellious students is rebellious Riff Randell (P. J. Soles) who likes the Ramones. 

Like really, really, really likes the Ramones. 

These Ramones. 

Riff eats, breathes and sweats through her pores the Ramones.

She's written a song for the Ramones.

Riff wants....nay, NEEDS to get this song to the Ramones! 

Meanwhile, Principal Togar has other ideas. No mental breakdowns for her. She's going to show this so-called "Rock 'n' Roll High School" who's boss! Rock 'n' roll is a poison and Togar is going to beat this rock 'n' roll poison out of these rock 'n' roll rascals until morale improves. 

Riff and the students have their own plans 'cause rock 'n' roll is where it's at man and rock 'n' roll will live forever at Rock 'n' Roll High School.

At least until the rebellious rock 'n' roll rebels with help from the Ramones blow up the damn school and Togar descends into a burbling puddle of madness.

Oh hell! Another principal lost to mental breakdown thanks to the pernicious poison of rock 'n' roll!!!


The old school, Z-grade quality of this film is no accident.  Roger Corman, schlockmeister of the 1950's and '60's was looking to make a throw back to his classic films of teenage rebellion. 

Originally, the movie was going to be called "Disco High" but wiser and groovier heads prevailed and Rock 'n' Roll High School was born.  

Fun fact: the burning down of the school in the finale is an actual burning down of a school.  The actual scheduled demolition of Mount Carmel High School in South Central Los Angeles is used as the destruction of Vince Lombardi High. 

The "Are You a Narc? You Have To Tell Me If You're a Cop" Dept:

In the role of rebellious Ramone lovin' rocker Riff Randell, actor P J Soles was just under 30 years old when she made Rock 'n' Roll High School.  

 The "It's That Person Who Was In That Thing" Dept:  

  • As Eaglebauer, yep, that's Clint Howard, brother of Ron Howard and character actor with a crap ton of "that guy who was in that thing" roles such as Star Trek, Apollo 13, Austin Powers and many, many more.   
  • The police chief is Dick Miller who has a lot of "that guy who was in that thing" roles in Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Police Squad!, The Terminator, It Conquered the World, The Little Shop of Horrors (the original Roger Corman version), Amazon Women on the Moon and  Gremlins.

Also disc jockey Screamin' Steve Stevens is actual legendary Los Angeles DJ "The Real Don Steele". 

Rock 'n' Roll High School is a strange fever dream of a movie, unmoored from any semblance of coherence and logic. 

In other words, perfect for Friday night at 2:00 AM. 

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