Thursday, July 6, 2017

Go Jump in the Gulf of Mexico & Other Trump Crap

A prevailing concern about Donald Trump being the President is the fear he will use his power as President to promote his own paranoid delusions. For example, Trump’s assertion that he won the popular vote if you discount all the people who voted illegally. This accusation is based on zero evidence there was any wide scale fraud in the casting of ballots for the 2016 Presidential election. Authorities in each state have verified the results and found no proof of the voter fraud Trump so casually claims to have occurred. Trump is not satisfied he won the white House through the Electoral College. No, his fragile man-boy ego demands he be accepted by the people which is undermined by Hillary Clinton getting about 3 million more votes than Trump did in the popular vote. 


But because Trump is the President, he created a commission to investigate this allegation of voter fraud. Yes, this commission exists based on  Trump’s whim, not on any factual evidence any such fraud actually happened. But whatever the reason, no matter how spurious, Trump had the authority to create an entity charged with checking out his fevered delusion. And that entity has recently gone to work with some rather disturbing requests being made of individual states.


Seems this commission has made requests for voter information from individual states; requests for names, dates of birth, the last 4 digits of Social security numbers, party affiliation and more. So far, several governors and secretaries of state have refused to comply, citing both violations of voter privacy as well as the questionable nature of the commission’s purpose. There is no voter fraud to investigate; this is just the petulant rantings of a thin skinned narcissist who can’t abide losing the popular vote.


Mississippi said the commission could "go jump in the gulf of Mexico” and that Mississippi is a great place to do that from.


The states that are saying no are doing so in the strongest, most emphatic terms, telling Trump and his “monkey court” to “fuck themselves and the horse they rode in on.”


Trump, paranoid and insecure, can’t imagine anyone saying “no” to him, questions what these states have to hide. Which is a typical resort of a scoundrel attempting to deflect attention away from his own questionable behavior. But Trump doesn’t care. This narrative plays right to the base that still supports him, a base primed to think that there are malevolent forces at work in government, working against ordinary people and their “champion”, Donald Trump. 


I guess I can't let this go without comment. Sunday, Li'l Donnie tweeted a video of Trump at a wrestling match pummeling a guy with a CNN logo for a head, another salvo in Trump's war against CNN who dare not speak of him in glowing terms like the ass lickers over on Fox & Friends. And this was on the heels of Trump's tweeted insults against Morning Joe over on MSNBC.

Tweeting this video was a childish act on Trump's part, not to mention elicit sanctioning of violence against media he disagrees with. But it seems CNN has managed to shoot itself in the foot in this matter.

CNN located the Reddit user who created the video that Trump sent. CNN did not publish the user’s name stating that "he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again."

OK, that seems fair. Then CNN added this.
"CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change."

And this launched into cries of "shame" against CNN for resorting to blackmail.

Blackmail? Really?

So CNN's logo was used in a video clip showing Trump taking violent action against the network.CNN has cause to be concerned about this. But it appears that CNN is willing to let this slide based on promises made by the video's creator. It seems only reasonable for CNN to reserve taking further action if those promises are not kept.

It seems to me that "blackmail" would only be applicable if the Reddit user did everything he promised but CNN still made a threat to expose him anyway.

Blackmail? Really?

Of course, the core important fact we should not overlooked is that Trump (once more) took an ill considered action with no thought to the dignity of his office and the real potential for violent consequences.


Sorry, I know that I could easily re-title this blog "What the Fuck Did Trump Do Today". But there are other things to chat about.

Friday: a spontaneous father-daughter road trip with no particular place to go.

Saturday: this blog's favorite topic: Doctor Who. We look back on last Saturday's season finale.

Until next time, remember to be good to one another. 

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