Thursday, July 27, 2017

Trump’s Enemies.

Today’s topic: Trump’s enemies.

One of those enemies continues to be Hillary Clinton. Yes he defeated her in the November 2016 Presidential election but apparently, victory is not enough for Li’l Donnie. One frequent tactic Trump employs against the investigation of Russian influence in US elections and possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign is to plaintively whine, “Hey, what about Hillary?”  Trump seems to think (or has been told to think by Fox News, Breitbart and Info Wars) there is a dirty trail of collusion between Russia and the Clinton campaign. 

As is the case with such mindless prattering from Li’L Donnie, there is no evidence of any such cooperation between Clinton & Russia. And given the animosity Putin had towards Clinton, no motive either. But that's standard procedure for Trump to take what he’s accused of doing and direct it right back against his opponents. And Trump, even while sitting in the Oval Office, still sees the woman he defeated in order to sit in that office as his opponent.

Another enemy is Barack Obama. Yep, the guy Trump replaced as President is seen by Trump as an enemy. Li’l Donnie’s driving motivation seems to be to undo whatever Obama did or wanted to do. On Wednesday, Trump summarily ordered that the US military would not accept openly trans gender persons in the military, reversing a policy that was put into effect under Obama. The Pentagon was still reviewing the ramification of the Obama era policy of accepting trans gender persons with a deadline of 12/31/2017 for a final assessment. There was no indication of any significant downside to this more open policy allowing trans gendered persons to serve in the military. The best guess for Trump’s sudden ruling was to throw a bone to the hard right conservatives who disliked this policy. But mostly, it happened under Obama and if Obama wanted it, Trump does not. So far, the anti-Obama strategy is Trump’s most consistent doctrine.  

Another enemy is the Republican Party. In Li’l Donnie’s simplistic understanding, Obamacare is evil and it needs to be replaced by something better. So why is it so damn hard to do that? Simple, right? Kill Obamacare, replace with something better. Call it a day and go play some golf at Mar-A-Lago. Trump complains about Democrats not helping with this which is like complaining the condemned man didn’t bring bullets to his own firing squad. So Trump has to rely on Republicans only. And even if you can get them all to agree Obamacare is evil, it’s the “replace with something better” part that sends this off the rails. To provide health care legislation that would be better than Obamacare (lower premiums, more people covered) would require a greater amount of government spending and influence. And guess who is typically against more spending and more government? Yep, the Republican Party. So Trump gets all petulant when after 6 months, Obamacare is not repealed and not replaced by something better, Trump blames the Republicans for not being able to do the obvious: Kill Obamacare, replace with something better.

One more enemy is the White House. As Trump blunders and blusters about, saying stupid things and making unsubstantiated claims, Li’l Donnie is frustrated that the White House staff doesn’t defend him better. It’s never Trump’s fault; he’s surrounded by an incompetent White House staff that isn’t doing enough to protect him. 

And lately, at the top of Trump’s List O’ Enemies is his own Attorney General, Jeff Sessions. Sessions as a US Senator from Alabama was the first sitting US Senator to endorse Trump for President during the campaign.  Session’s name was at the top of the list for appointment to the Trump Administration and was named Attorney General at the US Department of Justice (DOJ). 

However, Sessions had to recuse himself from the DOJ’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 US election process; this was due to Sessions’ participation in the Trump campaign and his meetings with Russia officials during the campaign. Sessions said those meetings had nothing to do with the Trump campaign but were related to his duties as a US Senator but Sessions thought it best to avoid even a semblance of any conflict of interest. There was bi-partisan agreement that this was the right thing to do.

Trump didn’t understand. Li’l Donnie said that if he had known Sessions would recuse himself, Trump would’ve never offered Jeff the AG job in the first place.  (And don’t stress yourself trying to make of that; it doesn’t make sense.)  And Trump’s dissatisfaction with Sessions conduct in recusing himself from the Russian investigation has been made known in a very public and negative way.

Li’l Donnie also took issue in a Tweet with Sessions going so easy on Hillary Clinton.

Reminder: Trump beat Clinton. She lost. He won! He’s in the White house while she wanders in the woods behind her house talking to squirrels. HE BEAT HER! SHE LOST! He WON! And she is still an enemy. 

By the way, the Trump Tweet about Sessions going easy on Hillary Clinton (who is not under investigation or has been charged with a crime) came after Sean Hannity on Fox News complained about the constant barrage of negative attention on Trump and his team regards to Russia while Sessions isn’t doing anything about Hillary Clinton.

Trump is also apparently enemies with the President. If Hillary Clinton is up to no good with the Russians, the President could direct his Attorney General to look into it. Why doesn’t he?


And that is a look at some of Trump’s enemies.

Including, it seems, himself.

Oh.. and the state of Alaska.


Sigh. Here we go. 

against Alaska for Murkowski vote

Alaska's two Republican senators reportedly received ominous phone calls from Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke regarding current Obamacare repeal efforts.
So Trump's enemies include:

Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
The Republican Party
The White House
Attorney General Jeff Sessions
The President
The state of Alaska.

Oh God, give me strength. 

Until next time, remember to be good to one another. 

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