Monday, June 3, 2019

Happy Birthday, Andrea.

Today is June 3rd which is my wife’s birthday.

Happy birthday, Andrea!

Now if Mary Poppins taught me anything, a gentleman does not discuss a woman’s age. So I’m not going to tell you how old she is today.

I will give you a hint: the digits in her age (and in no particular order) are “zero” and “five”.

And you’re get nothing further from me, OK?


I really don’t talk a lot about Andrea here on the blog. 

Andrea and I went on our first date 30 years ago.  Tim Burton’s Batman movie was in theaters back then and we went to see that.  This was all new to Andrea.

I was seeing it for the 3rd time with the 3rd woman. 

That’s right! I was a player! I had on two prior dates over two prior weeks seen this movie with two different women. 

Andrea was the one I married 5 years later.  

So there’s that.

Yes, we’ve been married for 25 years.  Sometimes I will joke that it seems longer.  

No, Andrea doesn’t think it’s funny.

But here’s the thing.

I sucked at being single. You may feel free to dispute that; I just described dating three different women over three successive weekends. It might seem I wasn’t doing too badly.

Well, that three week run was an outlier. Most weekends were lonelier, mark my words on that. 

I really sucked at being single and I really don’t have a lot of distinctive memories from the time in my life. 

I know this is going to sound sappy as hell but it’s like my memories don’t start until I married Andrea.

25 years? Seems longer. Seems like all my life. 

And THAT is as mushy as I am ever going go get.

Happy birthday, Andrea.

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