Saturday, June 8, 2019

Our Daughter the High School Graduate

The day arrived grey heavy with the promise of rain. 

Andrea and I made our way to the coliseum along with thousands of others to witness 538 students graduate from Northwest High. Among the 538 was our daughter, Randie. 

When the high school band began playing "Pomp and Circumstance" and the students began marching in, I must confess to feeling overcome with emotion, something I did not anticipate. Yes, it was a significant milestone in our life, our daughter who came into our lives as baby was graduating from high school. I figured on being moved by that. Being moved by the high school band playing "Pomp and Circumstance"? I was a bit gobsmacked about that. 

I guess seeing a long row of black robed teens processing in to "Pomp and Circumstance" made it very clear: this was real. 

The ceremony was moving but efficient. Over the course of course of just under two hours, speakers spoke, the chorus (including Randie) sang and 538 people had their names called out to stroll across a stage and receive their diplomas.

Yes, this was real.  

Afterwards, the promise of rain was kept as we met outside the coliseum, celebrating this accomplishment, the culmination of all that had come before. 

What comes next? That is for another day.  

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