Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Supreme Greed

Before we get into today's post about how the Supreme Court overturned it's ruling in the 1984 case of Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council on Friday, a brief word about the Supreme Court's fuckery on Monday.

The Supreme Court ruled that Donald Trump has immunity for stuff he did while President.  

Sorry, I don't believe that sentence fully conveys my feelings on this subject.

Let's try again.

The god damn Supreme Court fucking ruled that god damn Donald fucking Trump has fucking immunity for shit he did while god damn President.  

Once more, I feel I am coming up short in expressing my feelings on this subject.

Let me try again.



Here is the post that I originally wrote for today where in we see how the Supreme Court's ruling on Friday pushes government of the people that much closer to perishing from the face of the Earth.


While everyone was in a tizzy of terror in the aftermath of Thursday's Biden-Trump Debate (which is still resonating a week later; OMG! Biden's a doddering old man!), no one was paying attention on Friday when the Supreme Court overturned another long standing ruling with dramatic implications almost on par with their over turn of Roe V. Wade.  

The Supreme Court on Friday overturned its 1984 ruling in Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council. 

What this does is undermines the authority of government agencies to regulate virtually anything:

  • water and air quality  
  • drug safety
  • labor practices
  • food safety
  • discrimination   
  • artificial intelligence 
  • broadcasting 
  • online communication platforms  

Almost anything that can affect the quality of life for the average American citizen has been affected by this ruling. 

So what exactly did Chevron do? 

Basically, when Congress passes a law, there are regulatory agencies that can set standards for making sure the requirements of that law are met fairly and equitably as well as establish penalties  for those who do not follow the law. 

Basically corporations put up a fight and said who the hell are these agencies to tell us what to do. 

The Chevron ruling in 1984 basically said regulatory agencies can do what they want but corporations were free to push back if any requirements were unreasonable.  

Corporate America did not like that.  

Conservatives did not like that. 

And they have been pushing for a way for 4 decades to get Chevron overturned. 

The Constitution says that the Legislative branch makes laws, the Executive branch executes those laws and the Judicial branch interprets those laws. What had Conservative's panties in a knot was the regulatory agencies were usurping the Judiciary's role of interpreting laws.  

In 1984, the Supreme Court said no, that is NOT what is happening here.

In 2024, the Supreme Court rules that is EXACTLY what is happening here.  

Basically, it's those goddamn literalests on the Supreme Court taking point here. ("Ain't nothing in the Constitution about no Environmental Protection blah blah blah!")   

Overturning Chevron means changing government from being proactive to make sure your water is clean, the food you eat is safe and you're not being fucking discriminated against to being reactive.  

Now it's up to you to sue in the courts that maybe your chicken nuggets have too much cardboard in them and it's up to a judge in a court of law to determine if that's true or not.  

You can imagine corporations love this because it means less money being spent on food inspections, air scrubbers on smoke stacks or paying fair wages to everybody unless somebody happens to sue and given how time intensive and expensive that is, how often will that happen and even then since the corporations have more money for more expensive lawyers, how will that be successful. 

Old model under Chevron: corporations have to do the right thing immediately.

New model with Chevron: companies can avoid the right thing as long as they can until their luck runs out.  

So it's a big ol' "Fuck you!" to American citizens and another win for corporate America.

And under a 2nd Trump presidency, this will only get worse. 

Which is why we need to vote for the doddering old man. 


Tomorrow is the 4th of July, the birthday of the good ol' USA!  

All that is born is destined to one day die.

Are we close to the death of the great American experiment?

How the Supreme Court's ruling on Monday runs counter to what we demanded on July 4th, 1776. 

I will rant about it tomorrow.  

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Tuesday TV Touchbase: This Looks Like a Blog Post For Superman

Under the heading "the wrong people keep dying" Martin Mull passed away last week.  Martin was the epitome of "the guy who was in the thing".  Here are just some of the things that I watched that this guy was in: 

  • The New Adventures of Wonder Woman
  • Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
  • Sabrina the Teenage Witch
  • The Simpsons
  • Just Shoot Me!
  • Dexter's Laboratory
  • Arrested Development
  • Community
  • Brooklyn Nine-Nine
  • Not Dead Yet
Also Martin Mull was Colonel Mustard in the cult classic movie Clue

Martin Mull had a dry, clever wit delivered with a certain charm that will be missed. 

Welcome to another edition of the Tuesday TV Touchbase.  This is my weekly “Tuesday” post where I “touch base” on what I am watching on “TV”.


Are we clear?


This week’s post is about Superman, past, present and future!


In the present, we’ve got My Adventures With Superman, the animated series that features Jack Quaid as the voice of Superman/Clark Kent. 


The idea of Jack Quaid as Superman may seem counterintuitive but for this series, Jack’s earnest demeanor is perfect, dang it! This is a Superman who is young and unsure of who he is but he is committed to one over riding principle: “I’m here to help.” 


This series has some unique spins to the Superman mythos. The idea that Clark, Lois and Jimmy are the same age and true confidants to each other is a refreshing take on the old school concept of Superman keeping his distance from his alleged girl friend and pal.   


Krypton is revealed to be the center of a brutal autocratic empire and Brainiac has convinced Superman’s cousin Kara Zor-El that the empire was a good thing and to get her cousin on board with bringing it back. 


The action can be a bit too frenetic and the dialogue seems to be shouted too often (a criticism I also have about Star Trek Lower Decks) but My Adventures With Superman is a fresh new take on the Superman saga that I am enjoying quite a lot.


Looking to the future, Superman & Lois will be returning to the CW for it’s 4th and final season this fall. Since season 3 ended with Superman and the Lex Luthor constructed Doomsday monster in a knock down drag out fight, it seems the new season will kick off some version of the comic storyline where Superman died stopping Doomsday.  


And he stays dead and the show is renamed & Lois


Just kidding. I’m sure Superman will recover from his case of death.


There’s only 10 episodes this season to get anything done so I can’t imagine any “Death of Superman” storyline would play out too long. 

Like the new animated series, Superman & Lois caught my attention by doing something unique with the mythos: Clark and Lois as parents of teen-aged boys and all that comes with.  


Looking to the past, I occasionally will catch an episode of The Adventures of Superman on the H&I channel.  Even by the standards of 1950’s TV, this show was made on the cheap. One episode featured a robot run amuck.  Well, not so much run as shambled amuck in all it’s tin foil covered cardboard glory.

George Reeves’ Clark Kent is quite the snarky smart ass, a bit more tougher than the mild mannered milquetoast Clark was often depicted as in the comics.  

The super stunts are cheap, almost laughable but they have an innocent charm that appeals to the child still lurking in us. And like the new animated series, it's the interplay between Clark, Lois and Jimmy that really makes the classic series from the 1950's watchable.  


Another show from the past I would like to re-visit is Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman.   There were some really tight budgetary restrictions on the super stunts but I have some fond memories of this series, mostly for Terri Hatcher’s super smart and super sexy Lois Lane.  And while I found his take on Superman a bit lacking, I kind of liked how Dean Cain portrayed Clark Kent, mild mannered, yes, but still a capable individual you can believe is a big city newspaper reporter.


But it’s Dean in the present day that kind makes it hard to look at those shows.  Dean Cain has aged into a thick headed hard right MAGA wing nut who frequently makes the rounds on Fox News to remind us what a hell hole our country is.  Sometimes he’ll cite his legacy as Superman and try to claim there are certain things that Superman wouldn’t friggin’ put up with. It’s sad how little Dean understands of the character he once portrayed. 


Superman is not a judge or a jury or an executioner.


Superman doesn't care about your race or religion or your sexual orientation or your gender.  Do you need help? Superman's response? “I’m here to help.” 

That is that for this week's Tuesday TV Touchbase.

Next week: Interview With the Vampire.   

Until next time, remember to be good to one another and try to keep it down in there, would ya? I'm trying to watch TV over here. 

Let's have Martin Mull take us out for today's post, "The Time of My Life" from the film A Futile & Stupid Gesture.  

Monday, July 1, 2024

The Biden - Trump Debate: Holy Crap! What Now?!?!

So Andrea and I tried to be good informed American citizens by watching the debate Thursday night between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.


We gave up after 10 minutes.


Trump was dishing out the usual lying platitudes that can be summarized as follows:

  • America sucked.
  • I made it not suck.
  • America sucks again.
  • I will make it not suck.


Trump is not big on details. 


Meanwhile, Biden was…


Biden was…



Could someone check for a pulse?


Oh my God! Every single BAD thing that Donald Trump and right wing pundits have been saying about Biden being in decline was in evidence on that stage.

  • Meandering statements.
  • Raspy voice.
  • Lost trains of thoughts. 
  • Vacant expressions 


At the end of a statement where Biden clearly lost the thread and was unsure how to finish his sentence, Trump had this expression that seemed to suggest, “Holy shit! I was right?” 


Make no mistake, in terms of actual factuals, Trump came up short as he usually does because who needs facts when he can just make up shit.


But Trump was lying coherently.


Biden was trying to make the case for his Presidency with actual things he has done and facts.


But Biden was telling the truth incoherently.


History lesson:  

the Presidential debate in 1960 

between Richard Nixon and John F Kennedy.


People who listened to the debate on the radio thought Nixon won.


People who watched the debate on TV thought Kennedy won.


Why? Because on TV Nixon was melting. 


Nixon was fighting the flu with some medication that made him punchy and bleary eyed.


Also someone had the bright idea of covering Nixon’s 5 o’clock beard shadow with extra make up which under the hot studio lights started to melt. 


Nixon looked bad on TV and it may have been the edge to give Kennedy the win in 1960.  


Going in the debate on June 27th, 2024, Biden should’ve had the wind at his back.

  • His opponent is a convicted felon.
  • His opponent has a history of being incoherent and rambling.
  • His opponent lies!




Joe Biden looked and sounded bad.  Donald Trump looked and sounded… not bad.


Never mind the substance of their leadership styles and objectives.   In front of a national audience, Trump put on a better show than Biden.


Please understand I will take the doddering old man over the other dude is deficient in intelligence, morality, ethics and compassion.


But we can’t escape the fact that Joe Biden is, God help us, a doddering old man.  


I don’t think Biden is in a state of dementia or Alzheimer’s or anything of the sort. He is just old.


And being old is catching up to Joe Biden.


Also catching up to Joe Biden is the babbling man-monster who is deficient in intelligence, morality, ethics and compassion.


And if he regains the White House…


We are so screwed!      


Then THIS GUY shows up Friday in North Carolina and...

And if I may echo the sentiments of Mark Evanier, Where the fuck was this guy Thursday night?

Blog Bidness: Break Time Is Over

Hi there! Hey there! Ho there! 

I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You is back! 

And thousands cheer!

Or react with indifference.  

Oh who cares? I do this blog for me and that lonely little Russian spy bot that sees if I said anything insulting about Vladmir Putin.

"Мне чертовски скучно!"

I had hoped to get more ahead on some recurring blog features during the down time.  

I didn't.

The biggest change to the blog is how I post about movies.  Cinema Saturday and Cinema Sunday are gone.  My movie posts will appear under Dave-El's Weekend Movie Post on Saturday.  Maybe and/or Sunday.  But my commitment is one movie post a week, 2 if I have the spoons for it. 

Otherwise I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You is just more of the same:

What's going on in the world?  A post about the Biden-Trump debate will go up later this morning.

The Tuesday TV Touchbase will still be a thing.

And whatever else pops in my head.  

Спасибо за чтение! 
Thank you for reading! 

And remember to be good to one another.   

Supreme Greed

Before we get into today's post about how the Supreme Court overturned it's ruling in the 1984 case of  Chevron v. Natural Resources...