Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tuesday TV Touchbase: The Boys and My Adventures With Superman

Andrea's still watching the Olympics and I'm not sure where this comes from. It's not like she keeps up with gymnastics and swimming in between Olympics but she's keen on it now. 

In my write up about the Opening Ceremony, I forgot to mention the death of Christianity.  

Among the performances was a live reproduction of the classic Leonardo da Vinci painting of "The Last Supper". 

By drag queens.

Yep, that did it! 

The cries went out (mostly from America) of "Blasphemy!" "Disrespectful!" and "Offensive!"

Donald Trump Jr (you know, the Donald without the charm) called it "Satanic". 

Sorry, Christians, you had a good run but hey, if you can't handle a live version of a 15th century painting by drag queens, well, maybe it's time to close up shop.

Welcome to this week’s Tuesday TV Touchbase.


Our theme this week is Super Hero BAD vs. Super Hero GOOD!


Let’s get the BAD out of the way first.


Super hero BAD!

The Boys

Homelander Wins!


  • Vice President Victoria Newman is dead! (Killed by the sentient super tumor that’s controlling Billy Butcher! Damn!)
    • It wasn’t pretty! She was ripped in half!! My God this show is show gross!!!
  • President Bob Singer is framed for her murder! (Yikes!)
  • And Speaker of the House Calhoun who is all in for Homelander is now President and puts Homelander in charge of national security (Oh this is NOT good!)
  • Homelander has sent out every supe in America to round up everyone who is an enemy (defined as any one who thinks Homelander being in charge is bad idea) and throw them in jail.  (This is SO bad!)


From the Boys, MM, Frenchie, Komiko and Hughie have been captured. Only Annie January (the erstwhile Starlight) eludes capture. 

And whatever Billy Butcher is now is still out there somewhere.  


I think the last word was that the 5th and final season will not be coming around until 2026? Are you frickin’ kidding me?!?! 




Super Hero GOOD!

My Adventures With Superman

This looks like a job for Superman… and Supergirl!


The back half of season 2 as a multi-part epic where Clark runs headlong into his Kryptonian heritage.  And it ain’t pretty.


It seems that artificial life form Brainiac is out to restore the Kryptonian Empire (Make Krypton Great Again?) and is using Clark’s cousin Kara Zor-El who thinks restoring the Empire is a good thing but Brainiac just wants to see the universe burn and has turned his attention to Earth.


It isn’t easy at first to turn from what she’s known all her life but with Brainiac always reminding her she’s a stupid useless life form and Clark telling her the exact opposite, well, eventually she comes around to her cousin’s side to kick Brainiac’s ass.


As a life long comic book fan and a Superman fan, it’s hard to surprise me but My Adventures With Superman

keeps  finding new and interesting twists to long standing Superman mythology.  


And if you told me a couple of years ago the voice of Boimler on Star Trek: Lower Decks might be my favorite version of Superman, I would’ve scoffed in your general direction (“Scoff! Scoff! I say, scoff!”) but damn if Jack Quaid might indeed be my favorite Superman. 

Next week, Snowpiercer is back.

Until next time, remember to be good to one another and try to keep it down in there, would ya? I'm trying to watch TV over here.   

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