Monday, July 1, 2024

Blog Bidness: Break Time Is Over

Hi there! Hey there! Ho there! 

I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You is back! 

And thousands cheer!

Or react with indifference.  

Oh who cares? I do this blog for me and that lonely little Russian spy bot that sees if I said anything insulting about Vladmir Putin.

"Мне чертовски скучно!"

I had hoped to get more ahead on some recurring blog features during the down time.  

I didn't.

The biggest change to the blog is how I post about movies.  Cinema Saturday and Cinema Sunday are gone.  My movie posts will appear under Dave-El's Weekend Movie Post on Saturday.  Maybe and/or Sunday.  But my commitment is one movie post a week, 2 if I have the spoons for it. 

Otherwise I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You is just more of the same:

What's going on in the world?  A post about the Biden-Trump debate will go up later this morning.

The Tuesday TV Touchbase will still be a thing.

And whatever else pops in my head.  

Спасибо за чтение! 
Thank you for reading! 

And remember to be good to one another.   

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