Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Fire This Time Again

Two people were shot to death at the University of North Carolina in Charlotte with at least 4 others injured.

UNC-C is about 90 minutes southwest from where I live.

It was one of two schools my daughter Randie had narrowed down to for college this fall.  

She opted not to go to UNC-C. 

Of course, life is dangerous anywhere. Still, it makes one think, about the nature of fate and the forces aligned against us to control it.

I was listening to a report earlier about the state of the NRA. The Attorney General of New York is launching an investigation into the NRA's tax exempt status.  Which has the NRA in a tizzy of a snit. They're really worried about what might come to light if someone starts poking around their financial records.  

The NRA with its no holds barred, no quarter given fight against any kind of gun control might be a bit skittish to have it discovered how much of their money comes from outside the United States.

From say, for example, Russia? 

How much of the hysteria churned up by the NRA in it's so called defense of American liberties and the unfettered right to bear arms is actually funded by foreign entities who do not have America's best interest in mind? 

Any effort to promote or pass any kind of meaningful common sense gun control legislation gets buried by Congressmen who share in the largesse of the NRA's generosity. 

Meanwhile, two people are dead from bullets in Charlotte.

Just another day in America.   

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