Sunday, June 13, 2021

Cinema Sunday: Charlie's Angels


A few months ago late at night I was channel surfing and landed on the 2019 version of Charlie's Angels. It was just coming on and I'll be damned if I didn't stay until the end.

Why I am not entirely sure.  

It meets my basic requirement for an action film in that "stuff blows up real good".  

There's a lot of ass kicking and the Angels look good doing it. 

And Elizabeth Banks is on hand as Bosley as well as writing and directing the whole shebang. 

I've gotta thing for Elizabeth Banks.  

The plot involves a doohickey McGuffin that creates energy or something but causes lethal seizures in people who are near it. 

Yes, it can kill a lot of people but it's gonna make some rich prick even richer. 

Unless Charlie's Angels can stop it! 

And I can't say more about this movie because I'm having trouble remembering most of it. 

There is some intrigue: is Bosley a double agent working against the Angels? (No! Not Elizabeth Banks! Never!) 

There's humor as the nerd girl who exposes the scheme about the doohickey McGuffin keeps getting forced to play action girl. She does all right for a young woman scared out of her mind. 

Kristen Stewart, still trying to shake off the stench of the Twilight franchise, is amazingly good in this movie as the craziest Angel, the one with the broad grin as she hurls herself into danger, spouting absurd quips.  

Charlie's Angels expands the concept with the Townsend Agency now an international organization. 

Charlie's Angels circa 2019 is dumb fun. The plot may be needlessly complicated but we're not here for the plot.  We're here to see the ultimate action girls kick ass, have a good time and look good doing it.  

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