Friday, June 11, 2021

Doctor Who: Rumor Mill


Artist: Enrica Eren Angiolini

A recent article posted on June 6, 2021 by Adi Tantimedh on Bleeding Cool addresses some stuff swirling about ye old Doctor Who rumor mill.  

Or as it's written in the UK, "rumour".

I want to relate some of the rumours Adi writes about and my takes on them.   

Jodie Whittaker is Leaving Doctor Who After Series 13

Adi write that "this rumour is most likely to be true since the actors playing the current Doctors tend to stick to the '3 seasons' rule to avoid becoming typecast and stuck in the role." 

Adi notes there has been no official announcement from the BBC or Jodie Whittaker's camp. 

Adi's thinking is in line with my own on this. Yes, the timing seems right for Jodie to exit but with no confirmation from the BBC or Jodie, this is nothing but idle speculation on the nature of Jodie's departure or who will replace her. 

Speaking of which...

_______ Is the New Doctor 

Adi writes that Georgina Campbell was rumoured to be the 14th Doctor for a few weeks. This rumour is based on nothing beyond fans just casting about, but Campbell is a rising actress whose profile could just at the right level for her to become The Doctor and become more famous because of that. 

Also the cancellation of the long-running hospital drama Holby City frees up Jo Martin to become the Doctor on a regular basis. Adi notes that Jodie is already a fan favourite.

I agree with Adi's assertion of "fans just casting about" and it underscores what I've written here before.  Nobody knows nothing.Speculations on casting the next Doctor have always been spectacularly wrong. I wrote here on February 26, 2021, 

"One can almost bet solid money that the next star of Doctor Who will NOT be Kris Marshall, Michaela Coel, Richard Ayoade, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Olly Alexander, Michael Sheen or any number of actors who have appeared on a plethora of short lists to be the next Doctor in the TARDIS. Whoever is the next Doctor will be someone not on your list." 

And I would add that includes Georgina Campbell and Jo Martin.  

Captain Jack, River Song & Donna Will Appear in Series 13

Adi notes there may be some truth in John Barrowman making an appearance as Captain Jack since he appeared in the last series with the door left open for him to return. But the recent revival of stories of Barrowman's  past bad behaviour may kill off that possibility.  

Alex Kingston would love to return as River Song but that's just wishful thinking on her part. I agree with Adi about that. 

Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) doesn't seem to be coming back. Adi notes there's no story reason for her to.  Russell T. Davies pretty much finished her story arc.   Once more I concur with Adi. 

Adi's assessment of John Barrowman and Captain Jack echoes what I wrote here on May 20, 2021.  The scandals surrounding John Barrowman have to date made him persona non grata at Big Finish and on the Time Fracture event and may well carry over to the show itself.  But  "given tight production schedules and protocols mandated by the pandemic, it might not be so easy to edit Harkness out of Doctor Who."   

The Doctor is Not Really the Timeless Child

Adi observes this rumour is really based on nothing more than how much diehard fans hate the Timeless Child reveal in Series 13.

I don't see Chris Chibnall overturning his signature contribution to Doctor Who any time soon. Personally I am not a big fan of the Timeless Child but I'm not prepared to hate it.  


New Companion Dan Is Really the Master 

New character Dan (John Bishop) will have a Gallifreyan fob watch and turn out to be the Master all along. So far there has been no news about whether Sacha Dewan will be returning as The Master. 

I have to admit I have not heard this rumour but my speculation is in line with Adi's that this is just trolling from certain fans who want the Master to be a white guy. 


Maybe John Bishop's supposed Master could be the one between Michelle Gomez and Sacha Dewan?  

Anyway, thanks to Adi Tantimedh for cogently and clearly writing about the Doctor Who rumour mill.  

Navigating rumours about Doctor Who can be as Adi writes a surreal experience. 

Some rumours may in turn out to be true.

Some rumours have some small kernel of truth. 

And a lot of rumours are just made up out of the wishful thinking of fans who have a lifelong investment in Doctor Who. 

But ultimately, it's best to remember what I wrote here on 

February 26, 2021:   Nobody knows nothing. 

The rampant speculation can be frustrating. 

But it demonstrates the passion of Doctor Who fandom. 

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