Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Tuesday TV Touchbase: Lucy Worsley

Today's Tuesday TV Touchbase is not about a specific TV show but about a specific person on, a woman who has captured my attention and perhaps even my heart.

The Tuesday TV Touchbase turns it's focus on Lucy Worsley.  

Doctor Lucy Worsley, that is, OBE*. 

Dr, Worsley is a British historian, author and curator.   And she has become famous for going on BBC Television to talk about all that stuff.  

*OBE = Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire 

Dr. Worsley has hosted several TV shows that feature the secrets, mysteries and scandals around the British monarchy and government.  She presents stories told with a sense of humor when absurdities abound and with a genuine heartfelt compassion when those stories take a turn for the tragic. 

Worsley can barely suppress her outrage over the abuse and torture women were subjected to during time of Great Britain's Witch Hunts, all for the sole purpose of burnishing King James' grasp on political power at the expense of women who dared to be intelligent and independent.   

Worsley's examination of the Madness of King George not only explores the struggle the King had with his mental health but the harsh and barbaric treatments that were practiced on people afflicted with "madness". She also lays bare the class divisions in British society, the difference in treatment of King George for his madness and the impoverished woman who tried to assassinate him and was consigned to Bedlam for the rest of her life.  King George got better; she spent her days in solitude in a stone cell with a straw stuff cot to sleep on. 

Lucy is not afraid to expose the truth behind legends. Queen Elizabeth's great victory over the Spanish Armanda owed much to the Spanish crew being devastated by the flu and glaring incompetence on how to pilot their ships.   

Dr. Lucy Worsley loves to expose hypocrisy and unfounded arrogance with a sly smile and a twinkle in her eye and man, I think I'm in love with her.  

Dr. Lucy Worsley is also known for her fashion flair, scanning ancient books and tapestries while wearing distinctive outfits. She thinks her legs are her best feature and scenes of her entering castles, cathedrals and museums usually start with a shot of her calves and whatever fashion forward footwear she has on display. 

OK, physical attributes aside, I love catching Dr. Lucy Worsley in her various specials and documentaries as she brings history alive with wry humor and compassion. Her stories may be of people and events from centuries long gone but she conveys them with a sense of immediacy that makes them feel relevant.

And that is that for the Tuesday TV Touchbase this week.

Next week,  it's the season finale Celebrity Jeopardy and The Sandman.  

And just a heads up: Andrea and I have started finally watching Wednesday. By the time this posts, we'll be 4 episodes in. More on that later.   

Until next time, remember to be good to one another and try to keep it down in there, would ya? I'm trying to watch TV over here.  

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