Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Champion of the Little Guy Vs. the Little Guy

A  few weeks ago, Donald Trump derided recent gains in the stock market has only making the rich richer.

Oh, look at Li'l Donnie, that old populist people pleasing person.

Of course when his shadow was darkening the White House, he couldn't brag enough about when the stock market was doing great and he made it happen and yadda yadda yadda.

He also predicted the stock market would crash under Joe Biden and since it didn't, well, he's gotta say something, don't he?

It goes hand in hand with his appeal to his broad base of non-college educated supporters that he (and only he) is some kind of champion for the little guy.  

Except we've got 4 years of Donald Trump doing the exact opposite.

Over his four years in the White House, here are some things that Donald ("looking out for the little guy") Trump did or triedto do to make things easier for companies ("the big guys"):  
  • to hide workers’ injuries, 
  • to avoid paying low-wage employees overtime
  • to take a slice of their tips
  • to misclassify them as “independent contractors"
  • to prevent unionizing and bargaining collectively. 
  • increase line speeds in poultry plants where workers already suffer high rates of injuries
  • allow restaurants to pay servers a sub-minimum wage for doing non-tipped work

The very people who come out in their red MAGA hats and cheer Trump on at his circle jerk rallies are the very people who Trump sought to hurt in his first term in office and likely would do more of if he gets into office again. 

These stooges do not realize that they are in support of someone who does not support their self interests.   

I think the title of the below comic book (thanks to Mike Sterling for the image) needs to be reversed: Cthulhu Vs. the Three Stooges.   

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