Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Counting Chickens Before They Hatch

It is a truism that one should not count chickens before they hatch.

Unless you're in Alabama.   

The Alabama State Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos used in IVF procedures are people. 

So in Alabama, if you drop a vial of frozen embryo on the floor, you have committed....


What the what now? 

The right wing religious zealots emboldened by the overturn of Roe V. Wade 2 years ago are pushing even harder for more restrictions over women's reproductive history. 

Abortions illegal after 6 weeks not restrictive enough? Fuck that! What if you're pushing a narrative that life begins at conception? 

Which means that embryos used in In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) are legally protected life forms and cannot be destroyed. 

For a woman seeking to get pregnant through IVF, several embryos may be created before a successful pregnancy is achieved. So what about the embryos that are no longer needed one the desired resulted as be attained. 

Since the Alabama State Supreme Court ruled such embryos constitute human life, they cannot be destroyed. 

By the way, in case you're wondering on what scientific or legal basis the Alabama State Supreme Court made their ruling, well, as best as I can understand it, there isn't one. 

The result of the ruling is that hospitals in Alabama have put a stop to IVF procedures fearing they will be sued. 

Meanwhile the Republican Party is tying itself in knots over how to respond to this latest assault on the rights of women, an assault they created through their myopic obsession with curtailing abortion rights.  

There's a lot of Republicans trying not to piss off women voters by voicing support for women to have access to IVF procedures while also not pissing off the Trump loving evangelical Christians who are down with this draconian decision.  

Republicans are also wondering how can the enjoy a nice quiche for brunch if eggs are chickens.  

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