Monday, April 22, 2024

The Unpresidented Trial

Last week I wrote in this space, "So is Donald Trump finally going to be accountable for doing shit, not through an indictment but through an actual trial? 

I will believe it when I see it."  

I reckon that so far I must be believing it because so far I've been seeing it.  

Last week's Donald Trump's trial proceeded through jury selection with the week ended with 12 jurors and 6 alternates chosen for the trial with opening statements getting underway today.   

Since this trial is in Manhattan, finding 18 New Yorkers who could promise to be fair and unbiased was a monumental feat.

Average New Yorker on Donald Trump: "Yeah, fuck that guy!"

Various media outlets are virtually breathless over the unprecedented event of a former President in court as a defendant in a criminal trial.  

Maybe it's just me but I'm not feeling the weight of history so much.  

Maybe it's because I never saw Donald Trump as the President because he never comported himself as the President. 

As I wrote back on June 6, 2017"Donald Trump Is Not The President of the United States of America. Donald Trump Is The President of the Part of the United States of America That Voted For Him."  Trump's actions as President were so small and petty, all to appease the base that voted for him with little to no regard for anyone else who has the temerity to not vote for him.  

Unlike other men who have come into the Oval Office and managed to some degree or another to grow into the role, Trump's time in the White House just made him seem smaller, the power and responsibility of the office eluding the tiny fingers of this petulant ego driven man child.  

It's hard for me to see him as a former President in court as a defendant in a criminal trial. What I see is a petulant ego driven man child in court as a defendant in a criminal trial.

As I wrote on November 8, 2019, Li'l Donnie's focus was even more narrow that "Donald Trump Is The President of the Part of the United States of America That Voted For Him".  

As I wrote at the time, "Donald Trump is the President of Donald Trump."  His insistence on the narrow scope of his own self interests just furthered diminished him.  

I could've almost felt sorry for this son of a bitch. Li'l Donnie lucked into the most powerful position in the world and he was just too stupid to know what to with it. 

Former President in court as a defendant in a criminal trial? Nah, I'm not feeling the weight of history on this one. 

And perhaps neither is Li'l Donnie himself. Reports are during the jury selection process last week, he kept nodding off.  

This fucker is facing jail time and he can't stay awake for it?

Well, he does have other important issues on his mind.

Like Jimmy Kimmel.

Nearly 2 months after this year's Oscars broadcast, Trump is still in a tizzy of a snit over Kimmel's Trump joke from that show.

So Donald Trump thinks Jimmy Kimmel is Al Pacino?  

No wonder Donald Trump is so tired.  

Li'l Donnie was due to arrive in Wilmington NC for one of his circle jerk rallies on Saturday.  A big bad thunderstorm led Trump to cancel his appearance an hour before the rally was set to begin.  

There may be a God after all.   

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