Thursday, November 30, 2017

Garrison Keillor? Really?

Oh, what the hell now?


Garrison Keillor, the former host of "A Prairie Home Companion," said Wednesday he has been fired by Minnesota Public Radio over allegations of what the network called improper behavior. In a follow-up statement, he said he was fired over "a story that I think is more interesting and more complicated than the version MPR heard."


OK, I was a bit surprised when I woke up Wednesday morning to the news Matt Lauer was fired but come on. In retrospect, are we really that shocked? OK, maybe I’m not being fair to Matt Lauer but he helped push out Ann Curry as Today co-host so yeah, I admit I might be a bit biased against him.


But come on! Garrison Keillor? Really?


Or as Mark Evanier put it:

This Just In…

Published Wednesday, November 29, 2017 at 9:59 AM

Garrison Keillor? Garrison Keillor???

You and me both, Mark. 


OK, this is striking a bit too close to home now. I’ve been a fan of his work for years. I met the man last year. He spoke with my daughter Randie. He was a perfect gentleman to her and well, everyone I saw him speak to that night.


Really? Garrison Keillor?  


Mr. Keillor, what do you have to say for yourself. 


In an email to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, Keillor said he had put his hand on a woman's bare back in an attempt to console her. "I meant to pat her back after she told me about her unhappiness and her shirt was open and my hand went up it about six inches. She recoiled. I apologized. I sent her an email of apology later and she replied that she had forgiven me and not to think about it," Keillor told the newspaper.


"We were friends. We continued to be friendly right up until her lawyer called."


Oh, I’ve been there, Garrison. I have been there.


Minnesota Public Radio confirmed Keillor had been fired, saying it received a single allegation against Keillor about "inappropriate behavior" and didn't know of any other allegations. MPR said it was notified of the allegation last month and that it stemmed from Keillor's conduct when he was responsible for producing "A Prairie Home Companion."


The firing Wednesday came shortly after Keillor, an avowed Democrat, wrote a syndicated column that ridiculed the idea that Sen. Al Franken should resign over allegations of sexual harassment.


"A Prairie Home Companion" has been a public radio staple for more than 40 years; Keillor stepped down as host last year and musician Chris Thile has just started his 2nd season as its current host.  Minnesota Public Radio said the name of the show would be changed.


Really? No more “A Prairie Home Companion” because of a single allegation against a man who is no longer hosting the show?




MPR also said it will end distribution of "The Writer's Almanac," Keillor's daily reading of a poem and telling of literary events, and end rebroadcasts of "The Best of A Prairie Home Companion" hosted by Keillor.


Is this getting out of hand? 


Let me say as simply and directly as I can: women shouldn’t have to put up with shit. There! Not complicated at all, guys!




Really? Garrison Keillor?  


As Mark Evanier noted on hi blog, “Everyone just needs to remember that punishments should fit crimes and that every crime exists in various degrees.   Patting the butt of an adult who does not want you doing that is not the same wrong as rape or pedophilia or sexual extortion.  It also helps to keep in mind that much of this is not about sex or only about sex.  Much of this is about abuse of power.”  


After way too long for women suffering countless indignities and abuses without any justice, is the pendulum swinging too far the other way? I mean, who knows? Maybe we’ll find out that Garrison Keillor is an old perv who is constantly putting his hand on a woman's bare back and God knows where else? Or maybe it was just an inadvertent slip without any guile or ulterior motive? Who knows? But I think there is this fear that every misstep is being treated the same, regardless of intent or severity.   


I think women who have been abused, humiliated and assaulted should see justice done, no question about it. 


But come on! Garrison Keillor? Really?

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