Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Who We Are Up Against

I saw a recent poll that had 67 % of Americans thinking Donald Trump cannot be trusted to handle the situation with North Korea.


Cynic that I am, my mind immediately does the math. So 33% of Americans do trust him to handle North Korea appropriately.


So who are these people?


What has frustrated me beyond even Li’l Donnie’s incompetence as President is this base of people who just can’t see it. To me, it’s not just a matter of personal perspective or opinion: Trump sucks at his job. He’s incredibly and obviously bad at it. He is consistently demonstrating his complete and utter unsuitability as President.


Why can’t everybody see that?  Who are the people who can’t see this? For all of us who can clearly and objectively see Trump’s exceedingly poor performance as President, who the hell are we up against?


We are up against Joey Del Signore.


Who the hell is Joey Del Signore?


Joey Del Signore is a Trump supported in Johnstown, PA. He voted for Trump last year and a year after that election, Joey Del Signore still loves Trump.


Of course, it’s not just Joey Del Signore. There’s an entire community that not only bought Trump’s line of bullshit last year but a year later, they show no signs of buyer’s remorse.


Click here for the link to the POLITICO feature about the town of Johnstown a year after the election.  For those with the clarity to see Trump for who he really is, it can be a distressing, albeit eye-opening read.


Here’s who we’re up against. As Joey Del Signore sees it,  “Everybody I talk to realizes it’s not Trump who’s dragging his feet. Trump’s probably the most diligent, hardest-working president we’ve ever had in our lifetimes. It’s not like he sleeps in till noon and goes golfing every weekend, like the last president did.”


Del Signore is surprised when the reporter tells him that Trump goes golfing WAY more that Obama ever did. 


“Ninety-nine percent of the time I watch Fox,” Joey Del Signore says. “Sometimes I’ll be sitting there listening to all this Fox stuff, and I’ll say, ‘Maybe they aren’t right, maybe I’ll flip to CNN’—but every time I’ve found that Fox has been correct, and CNN is definitely fake news.”


Joey Del Signore shared that some people at church told his wife that Obama is the antichrist. “She comes home and tells me these things that they tell you in church.”


When asked if he thinks that, he said, “I don’t know. Some people say that.”


If Obama, is the antichrist—whose arrival is said to precede the second coming of Christ—what would that make Trump?


“The savior?” Del Signore suggested.


This, guys and gals, is who we are up against. 


And there is so much more this POLITICO article goes on to uncover in Johnstown, PA. 


When confronted with all the promises that candidate Trump made but hasn’t delivered on as President, a retired nurse says of Trump, “I like him. Because he does what he says.”


It appears Trump’s rah-rah pronouncements about how hard he’s working and all the success he’s having, however divorced from reality, are resonating with the still devoted Trump supporters in Johnstown, PA. 


And about 30% of the nation echoes that sentiment. 


And that is who we’re up against.

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