Wednesday, November 1, 2017

So...What the Hell?!?!

So...What the Hell?!?!

I make this big deal that I'm done blogging and that I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You was not on a break or hiatus but was done.

Over with.



No more!

Pushing up the daisies!

OK, you get the idea.

So...What the Hell?!?!

Why is I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You back? 

This reminds me of a joke. 

A woman named Martha decided to join a convent. She was to take a vow of silence. But every 10 years, she could meet with the Mother Superior and say two words. 

After 10 years, she meets with the Mother Superior and says, "Bed hard."   

After 10 more years, she meets with the Mother Superior and says, "Room cold."   

After 10 more years, she meets with the Mother Superior and says, "Food bad."  

After 10 more years, she meets with the Mother Superior and says, "I quit!"

And the Mother Superior replies, "Go ahead and quit! You've done nothing since you got here except bitch, bitch, bitch!"   

<rim shot> 

So I took a vow of silence and after two months, I can't take it anymore. So I have raised this blog from the dead so I can bitch, bitch, bitch.

And dear reader, there is so much to bitch, bitch, bitch about. I'm still living in a world where Donald fucking Trump is still the fucking President and it's fucking astonishing how many fucking stupid people seem to be fucking OK with that. This state of affairs makes me fucking angry and I need a fucking outlet for my anger.

And there is other stuff that continues to confound and frustrate me that I need to bitch, bitch, bitch about.

Oh, it's not all bad stuff. I do have some things to talk about that were good experiences. I will, nevertheless, find somewhere in those narratives to bitch about something.

And in addition to Doctor Who, I have added a new fandom that I shall pontificate on. 

So by the demand of absolutely no one but driven solely by my insanity, I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You is back. 

And may God have mercy on our souls. 

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