Monday, November 6, 2017

The Gunfire This Time

Hi there.


Here is the post I wanted to do today. 


Today is Monday, November 6th.

Today marks the return of the McRib. 

All other news is irrelevant. 


Simple and to the point.

Sadly, life is hardly ever simple anymore.


Yesterday saw innocent Americans targeted for violence.




The gunfire this time was a church in a small Texas community where Devin Kelley, a former Air Force veteran, dressed in black, opened fire on the congregation, killing 25 people, injuring 20 others. The killer is dead now. 


Like Las Vegas over a month ago and the shooting at the Wal-Mart in Colorado last week, the perpetrator was an American citizen. I would be even more precise and say, “a white male, non-Muslim American citizen”. Devin Kelley possessed an assault rifle that may have been perfectly legal for the shooter to own. Apparently, his dishonorable bad conduct discharge from the Air Force could be a mitigating factor on whether or not he legally could own such an assault rifle.


Which is absurd. Why, pray tell, does anyone need or even should have an assault rifle?


But I’m getting ahead of myself. This may not be a “gun issue”.


Li’l Donnie, Moron In Chief, felt compelled to weigh in and declare this was not a “gun issue” but a “a mental health issue”.


Hey, Trump-Ass, this guy didn’t go into a church and crazy people to death. No, he shot them!


Now I have to assume a person has to have some level of crazy (“deranged” as Trump put it) to walk into a church and a start shredding parishioners with rapidly fired bullets.  What Li’l Donnie could not know when he made his declaration is what exactly was Devin Kelley’s mental state before or during the shooting. Trump is nothing but consistent, even in times of tragedy, pivoting to his base, the hard core rural conservatives who view the 2nd amendment as holy text. Once more, Donald is President Only Of The Part Of the United States That Voted For Him. 


Most civilized people may consider committing murder an insane act.  But it is possible to do an insane thing and not be demonstrably insane. Murders happen all the time without the “benefit” of insanity.


We might find that there was evidence of Devin Kelley struggling with mental illness but let down or overlooked by mental health care resources.


Or maybe something happened Sunday that flipped a switch. Nothing that could have been caught or anticipated. 


In either case, Devin Kelley still had access to an assault rifle.


“Not a gun issue”?  What an ass!


Once more, we find ourselves in shock at the horror, mourning the dead and dreading the next time.


And oh God help us there will be a next time.

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