Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Hypocrisy On Display

One of the many, many frustrating things about Li’l Donnie and his gang of enablers is the sheer intensity of the hypocrisy on display.


Get a load of this shit. In advance of a meeting between Trump, GOP leaders and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi  and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to discuss a deal to keep the government open, that great “dealmaker in chief…who knows all the best words” decides to get that meeting off to a rousing, positive start.


Trump tweeted early Tuesday that Pelosi and Schumer "want illegal immigrants flooding into our Country unchecked, are weak on Crime and want to substantially RAISE Taxes," adding, "I don’t see a deal!"


Pelosi and Schumer responded to this with a veritable “fuck that”.  They called off their plans to meet with Trump. "Given that the president doesn’t see a deal between Democrats and the White House, we believe the best path forward is to continue negotiating with our Republican counterparts in Congress instead," Pelosi and Schumer said in a joint statement.


Schumer and Pelosi said they asked Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan to meet Tuesday afternoon instead. The GOP leaders said ‘fuck that”.


"Democrats are putting government operations, particularly resources for our men and women on the battlefield, at great risk by pulling these antics," McConnell and Ryan said in a statement.


Describing Schumer and Pelosi’s actions as “antics”, I wonder what McConnell and Ryan call this:


Trump tweeted early Tuesday that Pelosi and Schumer "want illegal immigrants flooding into our Country unchecked, are weak on Crime and want to substantially RAISE Taxes," adding, "I don’t see a deal!"


Then White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders had to weigh in. “The President’s invitation to the Democrat leaders still stands and he encourages them to put aside their pettiness, stop the political grandstanding, show up and get to work,” she said in a statement.


Describing Schumer and Pelosi’s actions as “pettiness and political grandstanding”, what, pray tell, should Sarah Huckabee Sanders call this:


Trump tweeted early Tuesday that Pelosi and Schumer "want illegal immigrants flooding into our Country unchecked, are weak on Crime and want to substantially RAISE Taxes," adding, "I don’t see a deal!"


This is not necessarily a defense of Schumer and Pelosi. Maybe one can make an objective case that their actions to cancel their meeting with Trump at The White house as “antics”, “pettiness” or “political grandstanding”.  But what is also objectively clear to me is that this:


Trump tweeted early Tuesday that Pelosi and Schumer "want illegal immigrants flooding into our Country unchecked, are weak on Crime and want to substantially RAISE Taxes," adding, "I don’t see a deal!"


Is the very epitome of “antics”, “pettiness” or “political grandstanding”.

The statements from McConnell, Ryan and Sanders represent the height (or depth) of hypocrisy  that comes in to play when there is a concerted effort to overlook the failings of Li'l Donnie in unflinching fealty to this Moron In Chief.

One of the recurring points I've made on this blog is that Donald Trump Is NOT the President of the United States.  No, Donald Trump Is the President of That Part of the United States That Voted For Him.  Which serves as an explanation for Li'l Donnie's tweet from Tuesday.

Baby Don put pandering to his base above actually getting any governing done. When given a choice between bi-partisan efforts to keep the government in business or keeping the mouth breathing morons who voted for him happy, guess what Trumpy chose to do? 

There was no negotiation advantage to Trump's tweet attacking Pelosi and Schumer. All it did was undermine any hope of cooperation from the two Democrats. But it did appease the base who have been taught and trained to demonize Democrats, especially Pelosi and Schumer.  

Unlike other legislative efforts that have been pursued seeking only Republican buy in (like Obamacare repeal and tax reform), budget deals to keep the government open need to cut across party lines. Ostracizing the Democrats at this point has zero value. Except for throwing some raw meat to the idiots who are still backing this moron in chief.   

By the way, if a budget deal is not reached and the government shuts down, you know who will most likely be hurt?  The idiots who are still backing this moron in chief.

And speaking of catering to the idiots....

Wednesday, Li'l Donnie retweeted a Tweet from a right wing U.K. based extremist that linked to images of alleged Muslims committing acts of violence. I saw "alleged" as there is nothing in these images to identify that the perpetrators are in fact Muslim. Given the propensity of the alt right to perpetrate false narratives, there is every reason to think these videos are fake or edited out of context.

Recently, an alt right entity called Project Veritas sent a woman to the Washington Post with a story of a sexual encounter with Senate candidate Roy Moore when she was a teenager which left her pregnant and Moore encouraging her to get an abortion. The Post quickly saw the story wasn't adding up and a cursory search revealed the woman's alt right media connections. 

Going back to the Tweet that Li'l Donnie forwarded on yesterday, even if every scene shown in that tweet was legit, why would a President of the United states re-tweet such a thing? It serves no useful purpose. It only makes sense when you remember that Donald Trump Is the President of That Part of the United States That Voted For Him. 

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