Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Crisis On Earth Pop Culture

Here are some pop culture stuff from my weekend.  

I finally got to see all of Crisis On Earth-X. It was awesome. It was not just for the heroes teaming up to punch Nazis from an alternate Earth but watching these gals and guys come together for some really cool character moments.  

Like the drunken one night stand between Alex Danvers and Sara Lance (White Canary). It was a situation that was fraught with humor, particularly with Alex's awkward morning extrication from a sleeping Sarah or a post hangover complaint to Kara about how bright this Earth is. ("Don't they have clouds on this Earth?"). But it also served to advance Alex's story arc in the aftermath of her break up with Maggie Sawyer.  

The series was peppered with these kind of character moments that gave an added dimension to the hero vs. villains stuff. 

But bonus points to the action being more than just "alien being of immense power out to destroy stuff". The Nazi dopplegangers from Earth X are nefarious and complex. Evil Oliver and Evil Kara love each other even as they do there damndest to do evil stuff like attempting to steal Good Kara's heart. 

If there was a shortcoming, it was the almost generic nature of the Earth X Nazis a bad guys. I think we needed to see more of why Nazis are bad, their hatred of all that isn't there idea of human perfection. We get some lip service to that a couple of times, like the concentration camp on Earth X where we meet The Ray who is imprisoned for the "crime" of being gay. 

Still, it's hard to knock Nazis as imminently punchable bad guys.  

The bad guys get there comeuppance but the good guys pay a price. Alas, poor Martin Stein. We knew actor Victor Garber was leaving Legends of Tomorrow but who knew his grand exit would come during the grand crossover. 

All in all, Crisis On Earth-X aimed high and hit the mark. The Jutice League over in the DCEU should be so good.  

We saw Coco again, mostly at the urging of my daughter Randie who is completely enraptured by the whole Coco experience. We saw it a different theater with a better screen and sound system so that alone made it a worthwhile second trip.  

And with a better screen and sound, Olaf is still irritating.   

I saw the penultimate episode of Outlander Season 3 last night. Claire and Jamie are so far from the highlands of Scotland as they arrive in Jamaica. But being far from home does not stop our intrepid pair from running into 4 people they know. Thinks are getting weird. 

My family went to see Disney On Ice as sort of a nostalgic throwback to Randie’s childhood on the eve of her 17th birthday.  Yes, it was a bit silly and Randie is definitely outside the target demographic but it was a most enjoyable and entertaining event.  

The segment spotlighting Tangled was particularly amazing with some very impressive aerial work as skates soared in the air as well as along the ice.  

What I haven’t written a lot about since this blog returned to life a month ago is Doctor Who.  Make no mistake, I am still a enamored with Doctor Who as ever and I’m totally psyched to see what Jodie Whitaker does as the Doctor. But the struggles with writing that led me to short down this blog back in the 1st of September are still real. Despite that, however, I am working on a new Doctor Who fan fiction script that I intend and hope to post to this blog before the 20174 Christmas Special airs. 

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