Saturday, December 16, 2017

Hey Kids! Comics!

Batman stuff! 
Caught up on installments of Tom King’s Batman series with the Missus Vs. The Ex (fiancé Catwoman in a sword fight with Talia A-Ghul), Superman & Lois Lane pay a visit and a touching annual that recounts the very sweet beginning of Bruce and Selina’s relationship and a bittersweet look at a probable end. I really like what Tom King is doing as the writer of Batman as he takes a major risk with the mythos , having Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle get engaged. Bat and Cat in wedded bliss/ I hope to see Tom play this storyline out for some time to come.  

The big Metal event took a breather with a one off issue, Batman: Lost. It’s a bit surreal for my taste. Still I apprerciate what Scott Snyder is doing here, a universe wide event comic with Batman at the center which forces Bruce into actions and decisions that are outsight of his comfort zone, giving him a challenge he may not be suited to actually face up to.   

Wonder Woman stuff!
Sorry guys, I’m just not feeling it. James Robinson is a frustrating writer whose work on Starman and Shade are pinnacle achievements in comics but other stuff seems to lack passion. Robinson is not sympatico with Diana in the way Greg Rucka was. Robinson is writing Wonder Woman because somebody has to write it and he needs the paycheck. Grail, Darkseid’s daughter, is on a quest to kill gods and godlike beings which appears to put Diana’s long lost twin Jason in Grail’s crosshairs. Robison actually had my attention with the first meet up of Diana and Jason who connected in an awkwardly endearing way. But Jason predictably isn’t the good guy he presents himself to be which is a disappointment.  Also the shifting art styles from issue to issue only point how much I miss Liam Sharpe, Nicola Scott and Bilquis Elvey. 

Superman stuff! 
I’ve been holding on since Rebirth began in the hopes that Superman, my Superman, would appeal to my heart again. But it’s just not working. I’m just not feeling that connection I had with Superman. I’m glad to see Clark and Lois together, married, partners in life and adventure as they always should be. But the dynamic with Clark, Lois and son Jon seems a bit too saccharine to me. We get it: they’re family, they loooove each other. 

Doomsday Clock!
Oh hell yeah! Look, I guess I’m in the camp of holding on to Watchmen by Moore & Gibbons as sacred text but if DC is determined to do as it will with these characters, do it right. And Geoff Johns & Gary Frank are off to a great start. They capture accurately the spirit of the original Watchmen series while pushing the boundaries of this world in new directions. Most of the issue sets up the world in the aftermath of Adrian Veidt’s scheme to save the world by simulating an alien attack. Except Rorsharch’s diary has squirrelled the whole deal. People are not happy and the whole world is on fire.  The issue ends with a check in with DC’s main earth as Clark Kent deals with a very bad dream, a portent of terrors to come.  I’ve enjpoyed he set up and I’m anxious to see where this goes from here.  

Kill Or Bill Killed!
The batshit crazy crime noir series by Ed Brubaker & Sean Phillips rolls on. Dylan is a killer in service to a demon who will kill him if he doesn’t kill at least one person a month. Dylan has mental health issues and the demon may well be a product of his own questionable sanity. Real or not, Dylan’s been killing to hold this devil at bay. Dylan does try to target only those persons who deserve it. But his activities have made him a target of the Russian mob. The most recent issue finds Dyln running a Batman gambit to get the Russian mob off his ass which actually works but not as well or as long as Dylan would like. And the most recent issue ends with the demon showing his ugly horned head once more. By the way, news came out this week that Kill Or Be Killed has been optioned to be turned into a movie. 

So, yay! A comic book post! And NO politics! 

And no politics for a while. I've got a series of Doctor Who themed posts ready to roll, starting tomorrow.   

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