Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Doctor Who - Londontowne - Episode Three

Hi there! 

Today is Episode Three of a new Doctor Who fan fiction script I've written. I want to get this out before the forthcoming 2017 Christmas special so these episodes will be posting daily. 

Click here for Episode One.   

Click here for Episode Two.  

NOTE: I'm doing this for fun, not profit. This is not officially sanctioned by the BBC and and the producers of Doctor Who.  

by David Long
Episode Three 

Scene opens: interior of TARDIS. The 12th Doctor is in the full throes of the glowing golden glow of regeneration. Bill and Nardole watch all this with shock and wonder as the Doctor’s features begin to morph and change in the fire of his regeneration.

Suddenly there’s different man in the Doctor’s clothes. He has a thin bone structure, smooth pale skin and red hair. (He looks like Eddie Redmayne) 

New Doctor: WHOOOOAAAAA! Whoa! OK, OK!

Bill: Doctor?

New Doctor: OK, OK, OK. Just take a deep breath.

New Doctor takes a deep breath. And holds it.

Bill: And exhale. 

New Doctor exhales.

New Doctor: Yes, take a deep breath, then exhale. Then lather, rinse, repeat and…

Bill: Doctor!

New Doctor runs over to Bill and stares her in the eye.

New Doctor: What did you call me?

Bill: D.. D… Doctor?

New Doctor: Doctor… Who?

Bill: Just… Doctor.

New Doctor: Well, that seems silly!

He runs off around the TARDIS console.   

Nardole: Doctor?

New Doctor stares wide eyed at Nardole, then gestures in alarm.

New Doctor: Sontaran!!

Nardole: No, not a Sontaran. I’m….

New Doctor: A Sontaran….subverting the course of human history. 

Nardole: No, I’m Nardole!

New Doctor: Nooo. Nardole had red hair, wore short skirts. No, that was Amy. Or was that Rory? 

Nardole: Listen Doctor….

New Doctor: Doctor? Doctor Who? Oh, Doctor… Who. Oh, I get it now.  I need a mirror! 

Nardole: Hold on, sir!

Nardole disappears down some stairs. 

New Doctor points at Bill. 

New Doctor: I know you! You’re… Jill? Gil?

Bill: It’s Bill, Doctor.

New Doctor: Phil? Syl?

Bill: I’m Bill. 

New Doctor: Its Will!

Bill: It’s Bill!

New Doctor: Wait a minute! It’s on the tip of my tongue… ew, new tongue? Weird! Wait, you’re, Bill!

Bill: Yes!

New Doctor:  A-ha! Knew it would come to me eventually. Excellent memory. Mind like a steel trap.

Bill: Doctor, you need to settle down.

New Doctor: Settle down? No, no, no, no, no! Too much….too much…. Still processing! I just regurgitated! No, not that. Er, hold on… hold on… REGENERATED!  R, E, G, E, N, E, R, A, T, E, D! Yes, regenerated! That’s the word!!!  I really need a mirror! Hey, other person… who is not Bill.

Bill: Nardole. 

New Doctor: Don’t be confused, dear. Your name is Bill. 

Bill: Oh brother.

Nardole: Hold on, sir!

Nardole carries up the stairs a full length mirror.

Nardole: Here you go, Doctor! Take a first look at your new look!

New Doctor steps in front of the mirror and reacts in shock.

New Doctor: Oh, look at that! Look at THAT! At last! Halle-freakin’-lujah! I am GINGER!!!!

Nardole: Very, good sir.

New Doctor eyes the reflection more critically.

New Doctor: The skeletal structure’s a bit… thin. And that skin, so smooth and….

New Doctor turns to Nardole and Bill.

New Doctor: I’m a GIRL!

Bill: Uh, I don’t….

New Doctor begins clutching his chest.

Nardole: Sir?

Bill: Doctor, are you all right?

New Doctor: Hold on a moment.

New Doctor quickly unbuttons the top part of his shirt and looks down his shirt.

New Doctor: I’m not a woman!

Bill: You thought you… would be a woman?

New Doctor: I don’t know. After 2 thousand years and over a dozen regenerations, I thought I might be due. 

New Doctor looks to the mirror.

New Doctor: Nope! Still a man. How… ordinary. And so young. I’m more like a boy than a man.

Bill: You do look a lot younger.

New Doctor: Like a university student. 

Bill: I was thinking more like Hogwarts.

New Doctor: Hogwarts?!?!

Bill: First year.

New Doctor: First year?!?!

Bill: Hufflepuff, even.

New Doctor: Huffle….? 

Nardole: Doctor!

New Doctor: Not now, Curly!  Or Larry! Or Moe! We just….we just need….need to…. Get back to….

Nardole: The vault, sir?

New Doctor: No! Not the vault! Why do you have to be such a pain about that vault, Nardole! Whoa!

The New Doctor points excitedly.

New Doctor: Your name is Nardole! There! I solved your problem. Your name is Nardole. Do try to remember that. 

Nardole: Very good, sir!

New Doctor: Nardole, we need to get back to Londontowne.

Nardole: Londontowne, sir?

New Doctor: Yes! I may have saved the day but there’s another day coming around and… and… Davros….   Davros is…. Is….

Bill: Davros is what, Doctor?

New Doctor: Davros is still a thing.  I’m still working it out.  Nardole, get the TARDIS back to Londowntowne. In the meantime, I could do with a change of acroutrements. Bill, let’s see what I can find in the wardrobe. 

Scene change: a very cluttered room with various outfits on hangers and mannequins, some you might recognize like a really long scarf, red and white striped pants, a sweater covered in quesyion amrks, a blue pinstripe suite with a long brown overcoat. Also a long light grey overcoat . 

Bill: So this… regeneration thing? You’re still the same person?

New Doctor: Yes. Well, no. It’s complicated. Yes, I am the same person but the process so dramatically rewrites DNA, genetic sequencing, mental pathyways, it’s like being different person. It can be a bit disconcerting. But I’m still the same person who asked to meet you in my office at the university. 

Bill: Still not completely sure why you did that.

New Doctor:  With my brain still in a post regenerative buzz, you are the one thing I’m sure of.  You know what I need? Color!

Bill: Color?

New Doctor: My last few regenerations, I’ve tended towards brown or black. I’m in the mood for something that pops. How about this?

With a flourish, the Doctor pulls a waist coat from a hanger, a bright purple waist coat.

New Doctor: Ta-dah!!!

Bill: This? You want to wear this?

New Doctor: Why not? It’s what the Doctor ordered, I think. Ooh, I made a little joke there….”What the Doctor ordered”… heh! Good ! I still have a clever sense of humor.

Bill: This coat? You’ll look like bloody Willy Wonka!

New Doctor: Oh, yeah! Wily Wonka! Splendid chap. A little obsessed with candy, you can imagine. Hardly any cavities, remarkably.

Bill: Willy Wonka wasn’t real. He was a character in a story.

New Doctor: Aren’t we all characters in a story. Just make it a good one, eh? 

Bill: I guess.

New Doctor:  Bill, we are are the music-makers and we are the dreamers of dreams

The Doctor’s eyes fly wide.

New Doctor: Ooh! Here’s a hat!

The doctor grabs a brown top hat and puts it on.

New Doctor (grinning broadly): Eh? What do you think? Makes the ensemble, right? 

Bill cautiously approaches the Doctor and gently removes the hat.

Bill: You know, you’re so excited to finally get red hair. Why cover it up? 

New Doctor: Good point, Bill. I will forego the hat for now. I can wear it later.

As the Doctor turns around, Bill hastily stuffs the hat under  a pile of clothes.

Bill: Right. Later. 

New Doctor: I think it’s all coming together. The new Doctor is ready for his big debut!

Scene change:  the surface of  Londontowne as the TARDIS materializes into view. 


Gov. Ellinor rushes towards the TARDIS. 

Nardole pops his head out.

Nardole: Gov. Ellinor? Just a heads up about the Doctor. He’s…

Suddenly the Doctor pops up behind Nardole and pushes past.

New Doctor: ‘Allo, ‘allo, guvnah! The Doctor will see you now!

Gov. Ellinor: He’s changed again. 

Nardole: He’s changed again. 

Gov. Eilinor: Oh dear. Is he all right? 

Bill appears and steps out of the TARDIS.

Bill: Well, he’s acting weird so, more or less….

Nardole: He’s just being himself.

New Doctor: Governor, how is Londontowne?

Ellinor: After you did….well, whatever you did, the breakdowns have ceased. The planet appears to have stabilized.  

New Doctor: Good. Good. Excellent. 

The Doctor breezes on past into the command central  leaving Bill, Nardole and Gov. Ellkinor to stand there awkwardly for a moment. 

Nardole: Welll…

Bill: We should probably follow him inside.  

Nardole: That seems reasonable. 

Ellinor: I’m only the governor of this planet so why not?  

Scene change: interior of the planetary command central. The doctor is fussing and fidgeting with his sonic screwdriver.   

New Doctor: Nardole?! 

Nardole (sigh): Yes, Doctor? 

New Doctor: My sonic screwdriver is not working! 

Nardole: It’s not? 

New Doctor: What did you do to it? 

Nardole: What did I do to it? Nothing. I would never touch another man’s sonic. Well, not without asking first. May I? 

The Doctor hands the sonic to Nardole who examines it while the governor approaches the Doctor.  

Gov. Ellinor: Doctor, is Londontowne truly safe now? 

The Doctor: As far as the accelerated entropy crisis is concerned, that issue is now resolved. My regeneration energy has replaced the usual energy plasma that was made defective by the corrupted Logopolis algorithm.  

Gov. Ellinor: But for how long will your energy sustain this planet?

New Doctor: I’m not sure and I hate not being sure. But I’ve never jump started an artificial world with my own life force before. 

Nardole: At some point, we will need to develop a new central processor. 

New Doctor: Absolutely correct. This world will sooner or later need to start processing normal energy plasma to replace my regeneration energies at some point.  And you can help with that, Nardole.  

Nardole: Me, sir? 

New Doctor: Your bio-mechanical nature gives you expertise that I think will be most helpful.  

Nardole: If you say so.  

New Doctor: Of course, I say so. Meanwhile, there is still a danger to Londontowne.  

Gov. Ellinor: Danger? What sort of danger? 

New Doctor: Oh, the kind that is, well, er, dangerous? 

Bill: Davros, right?  

Gov. Ellinor: But you stopped Davros from destroying Londontowne with his “reality bomb”, right? 

Bill: I doubt he will give up so easily. 

New Doctor: Assuming Londontowne was even his target.  

Bill: What’re you getting at?  

New Doctor: The threat Davros posed to Londontowne had a very specific solution: forcing me to regenerate to use my Time Lord energies to save the planet. Considering Davros tried to manipulate me into using regeneration energy to further his own ends in the past, I think the nature of the trap and the solution was not a coincidence….

Bill: But deliberate? 

New Doctor: Precisely, Bill! 

Gov. Ellinor: So what do we do now?  

New Doctor:  We need to see if Davros is still on Londontowne.  

The Doctor approaches the tech who help him in the last episode. 

New Doctor: Mister Spock? 

Arturos (sighs): My name is Arturos.  

NewDoctor: Too much time, too little to do. Wait! Reverse that! Spock, I need you to scan for Dalekanium again. 

Arturos: I’m scanning but no traces on or under the surface of the planet.

New Doctor:  Davros was shielded before.  

Arturos: Yes but I’ve boosted the sensor gain as I did last time. Nothing registers. 

New Doctor: Maybe we should try looking up instead of down. 

Arturos: Engaging orbital scan to- 


Bill: What the….?

Nardole: ….bloody hell?  

Gov. Eillnor: Arturos!!

Arturos: Sorry. Sorry.  

Arturos frantically adjusts his controls and the loud screeching howl abates. 

Arturos: Sorry, I had the gain boosted to seek trace amounts of Dalekanium. 

Bill: That sounded like a lot more than a trace.

Gov. Elinor: Is there a Dalek ship out there? 

Arturos: Possibly but….

New Doctor: No, the feedback on that scan was…..

The Doctor pulls out his sonic screw driver to scan the read out on Arturos’s monitor. 

New Doctor: Blast it! Still not working!  But that feedback….

Nardole: A Dalek fleet, then? 

New Doctor: No, not a fleet. No. No. Oh. Oh no. 

Bill: What is it, Doctor? 

New Doctor: I have an idea. And I don’ like it.  I’m taking the TARDIS for a look-see. 

Nardole: Doctor, I should….

New Doctor: No, Nardole. You stay here, help these people with the central processor integration.    

Bill: Then I’m coming with you. 

New Doctor: It may not be safe out there. 

Nardole: Doctor, if I may, if there is a big Dalek….whatever lurking over Londontowne, it may not be safe down here. 

New Doctor: fair point, I suppose. 

Bill: Besides, you just regenerated. It might be good to have someone along for the ride.  

New Doctor: Fine, fine. You made the case. You can come along. Just remember to do what I say and no wandering off. 

Bill: OK. 

Then the Doctor just stands there, his hands in the pockets of his waist coat, like he’s lost in thought. 

Bill: Uh….

Nothing from the Doctor. 

Bill: Er….Doctor? 

New Doctor: Huh? 

Bill: We need to…go? To do a thing, you know? 
New Doctor: Hmmm! O yes! The TARDIS! Hurry up., Bill! We haven’t got all day!   

The Doctor walks briskly away as Bill sighs and then runs after him.   

Scene change: Londontowne from outer space. And nearby, the ominous shadow blots out the stars. But now we’re seeing thin ribbons of golden light criss crossing the shadow.  

Scene change: TARDIS interior.  The TARDIS is in flight as the Doctor works quickly on a piece of tech.  

Bill: What you're working on? 

New Doctor: Something is still blocking the sonic screw driver software. So I'm working on a new tool until I can suss out what's going with the screwdriver.

Bill: What about the sonic shades? 

New Doctor: Same software interface. Nope, need something new. 

Bill: Are you... OK? 

New Doctor: Oh, I'm fine. 

He looks up at Bill who does not utter a word but her expression tells the Doctor she doesn't believe him.

New Doctor: OK, I am still a bit shaky from the regeneration. 

Bill: I imagine so.

The Doctor says nothing more as he continues to work on his new tech tool. After a moment of silence. 

Bill: And....

New Doctor (not looking up): And...what? 

Bill: You're worried.

New Doctor: Who, me? Worried? 

Bill: Yes, worried. About what we're going to find out here.  

The Doctor stops working for a moment. 

New Doctor: Yes, Bill. I am worried. Very worried. Whatever we're going top find is going to be very bid, very deadly and quite possibly, very much my fault. 

Bill: Your fault? I don't understand.  

At that moment Cloister Bells begin to ring. 


Bill: Uh oh! 

New Doctor: The Cloister Bells. Oh we are in for it now.  You see, the good news is there is but one Dalek out here in orbit just outside Londontowne.  

Bill: Just one Dalek. But I expect there is a bit ol' "but" coming after that.  

New Doctor: Indeed, Bill. You see that ONE Dalek is the size of a small world.  

Bill: A world? 

New Doctor: Oh yes. Behold, Bill Potts.....

The Doctor gestures towards a monitor screen.

Scene Change: outer space, the TARDIS high above a planet shaped like a Dalek. 

New Doctor (voice over): "THE DALEK PLANET!!" 

------------------------to be continued------------------------

The New Doctor and Bill up against a planet sized Dalek!

Uh oh. 

And hey, you might be wondering, what is the deal with this "new Doctor" anyway?  

More answers to come in tomorrow's Episode Four.  

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