Monday, December 18, 2017

Doctor Who - Londontowne - Episode Two

Hi there! 

Today is Episode Two of a new Doctor Who fan fiction script I've written. I want to get this out before the forthcoming 2017 Christmas special so these episodes will be posting daily. 

Click here for Episode One.   

NOTE: I'm doing this for fun, not profit. This is not officially sanctioned by the BBC and and the producers of Doctor Who.  

by David Long

Episode One  

Scene opens in darkness but as we slowly back out, we see it’s an eye, completely black.

Digbee’s voice:  Davros. Lives! Davros. Destroys!

As we pull out further, we see all of Digbee’s face with a Dalek blaster stalk protruding out of his forehead. 

Digbee: Davros. Lives! Davros. Destroys! 

Energy blasts zap out of the Dalek stalk. We pull out further and we see the Doctoir, Bill, Nardole and Governor Ellinor scrambling for safety.

Ellinor: Digbee?! For God’s sake, what’s happening?!  Digbee?

Digbee (still blasting): Davros. Lives!
Davros. Destroys! 

Nardole: Broken record, this one. Huh?

The Doctor: Digbee! What’s your favorite color? Flavor of ice cream? Do you like cats?

Digbee: Davros. Lives! Davros. Destroys! 

Bill: I think that’s the only tune he knows, Doctor!

Elinor: Digbee!!!

The Doctor: Sorry, Governor, but Digbee’s dead!

Digbee (still blasting): Davros. Lives!
Davros. Destroys! 

Bill: Awfully active for a dead guy, Doctor!

The Doctor: His body hasn’t caught up to that yet.

Nardole: Great! Dalek zombies!  Bloody hate zombies. 

Digbee (still blasting): Davros. Lives!
Davros. Destroys! 
Davros. Lives!
Davros. Destroys! 
Davros. Lives!
Davros! Davros! Davros! Davros!

Suddenly, electrical energy sheathes Digbee’s body which fries his flesh to ash and his bones to black. He crumbles to the ground in a smoldering heap.

Bill: Oh my God!

Nardole: Ewww,

Ellinor: Digbee? No. Doctor, what happened?

The Doctor: Still working it out. But I know why the number 27 is significant.

Bill: What? How? I don’t get it.

The Doctor: Davros.

Nardole: I thought…. Shouldn’t  Davros be dead?

The Doctor: Nardole, Davros is always dead… until he isn’t. 

Bill: But Doctor, the Daleks. I saw them when we were dealing with Heather, that whole water alien thing. Daleks can be people?

The Doctor: They use humanoid agents for spy work. Engaged in battle, they burn out rather quickly.  Like Digbee.

Ellinor: Oh dear Digbee! Doctor, what is the meaning of this? 

The Doctor: What this means is Londontowne is under attack. By a most dangerous and implacable enemy. Governor, this world is doomed. 

Ellinor: Doomed? No! We can’t let that happen!

The Doctor: Not if I can help it. Nardole?

Nardole: Doctor?

The Doctor leans in close to Nardole.

The Doctor: Nardole, get Bill to the TARDIS and get back to Earth and the 21st century. 

Nardole: Doctor, I won’t leave you….

The Doctor: I can save this world but in case it goes wrong, I need you to guard the vault and more importantly…. Keep Miss Potts safe. 

Scene change: we see this conversation being monitored on a screen in  a darkened room.  In the dim light of machinery, we see Davros. 

Davros: Oh Doctor. Still playing the hero. This little mechanical wind up world is at my command. And the humans that infest it like mice will all surely die. No matter what you do. 

Scene change: a command central with lots of people moving about. The Doctor and Gov. Ellinor enter. 

The Doctor: Years ago…. No, centuries, actually. Where does the time go? Anyway, a long, long time ago, Davros, creator of the Daleks, invented a reality bomb.

Ellinor:  A reality… bomb?

The Doctor: Yes! It broke down the electrical force that binds all atomic structures. It did the exact opposite of the anti entropy machine at the core of Londontowne.  The reality bomb required a massive energy matrix created by the placement of 27 planetary bodies.

Ellinor: 27! The number of breakdowns occurring in Londontowne. 

The Doctor: Exactly! I suspect  Davros has re-created his reality bomb by inverting the Logopolis algorithm that I entered in your planet’s central core processor..

Ellinor: Inverted. So it’s doing the exact opposite of what you desihgned it to do.

The Doctor: So it would seem, Governor! Instead of resisting entropy, decay has been accelerated it. 

The Doctor approaches a worker at one of the monitors.  

The Doctor: Excuse me, Barnable.  

Arturos: Er, my name is Aruros. 

The Doctor: I'm busy. You're name is Barnable. 

Arturos:  But...

The Doctor leans in to type something into a keyboard. 

The Doctor: I'm inputting the metalurgic formula for Dalekmanium. Run an scan through Londontowne for any signs of this metal.   

Arturos: Yes, sir.  

Gov. Elinor gestures towards a screen.

Ellinor: Indeed. Look at these readings. The leaking pipe is now a flood. The inoperative lighting elements have expanded to a null energy zone of over a quarter of a kilometer wide. 

The Doctor: Every minor imperfection and breakdown is increasing in size and intensity.

Ellinor: If that keeps happening….

The Doctor: This world will fall into rust and ruin. At the current rate of decay, Londontowne will crumble to pieces within less than an hour. 

Monitor at Arturos' station makes a gentle "ping/ping" noise. 

Arturos: We have a natch, Doctor.  

The Doctor: Let me see.  

Arturos: It's very small. And shielded. I had to increase the gain on the sensors....

The Doctor: Not a Dalek, too small? Davros? Odd that he would be here alone. Good work, Alonzo. 

Arturos: But my name is...

The Doctor: I'm very busy. It's Alonzo. 

Arturos: But...

The Doctor: Gov. Ellinor, it seems Davros is on your planet. I'm going to have a chat with him.  

Ellinor: And then?  

The Doctor slips on his sunglasses.

The Doctor: Er, still working on that bit. 

We zoom in on the Doctor's sunglasses which becomes the darkness of outer space, an endless night dappled with stars. across the stars, we see a large shadow move. And beyond, the shadow, we see Londontowne, all metal and covered in a bubble, gleaming in the distance.  But there are some small plumes of fire and smoke that can be seen on the surface.   

Scene change: surface of Londontowne, the exterior of the TARDIS. 

Scene change: interior of the TARDIS. Nardole is working the cpontrols while Bill paces angrily. 

Bill: No! We shouldn't leave the Doctor! He needs our help! 

Nardole: And I say that the Doctor has a planet full of people who can help him if he should deign ask for it. Meanwhile, I say we go. 

Bill: You say? 

Nardole: Yes, I say. Do you know why I work for the Doctor? 

Bill: No. 

Nardole: I'm here because of Professor River Song.  

Bill: Who's she? 

Nardole: Well, she's dead. Which is by my count one too many. When the Doctor says keep you safe....

Nardole forcefully pushes some buttons. 

Nardole (gesturing towards himself): do not let all this friendly non threatening sexuality fool you. When I say we’re leaving….

Nardole forcefully throws down the TARDIS control level.

Nardole: We’re leaving. 

But the TARDIS consoles turns only slightly and grinds to a halt with a mournful "vwerp" sound.  

Bill: OK, good marks for style but the follow through? Eh, not so much.

Nardole worriedly works the console controls.  

Nardole: I don't understand. We should be moving. But the TARDIS is....

TARDIS noise: Vwwwwuuuuuuuuuuurrrrp.  

Nardole: Is resisting.  

Then another sound is heard, the tolling of a bell.  


Bill: what the hell is that? 

Nardole: Cloister bell! It's an alarm, a warning....

Suddenly a light shoots out from the console to produce a holographic image of.... the 11th Doctor?  

11th Doctor hologram: Hello!

Nardole: Oh brother. Of course he hasn't updated his holographic alerts. 

Bill: Who's that? 

Nardole: That's the Doctor. Or was. 

11th Doctor hologram: The TARDIS is being held in quarantine from the Time Vortex by emergency protocol Alpha Rassillon Omega Zero. Carrosive energy elements have been detected in the environment  surrounding the TARDIS which cannot be introduced into the Time Vortex. Once the environment  is clear, normal TARDIS operations can resume. Thank you! 

And 11th Doctor hologram vanishes.   

Bill: That was the Doctor? When he was younger?  

Nardole: No, when he was different. I'll explain later. Right now, we need to find the Doctor.  

Scene change: Another look at Londontowne from space. And those plumes of fire and smoke on the surface have grown larger and more numerous.  

Scene change: the Doctor exiting the central command building with Gov. Ellinor. They are met by Bill and Nardole. 

The Doctor: Bill! Nardole! What are you still doing here? 

Nardole: I did try to get us out of here but the TARDIS had other ideas.  

Bill: I wasn't happy about it either. 

The Doctor: I didn't expect you would be. Nardole, what happened? 

Nardole: The TARDIS resisted dematerialization, the Cloisters went off and then a hologram alert... which you  need to update? 

The Doctor: The ears? 

Nardole: The chin. 

The Doctor: Eww! Not that one. What was the message?  

Bill: It said that the TARDIS was quarantined because of something called, what was it? Oh yeah: Alpha Rassillon Omega Zero.  

The Doctor: Alpha Rassillon Omega Zero? What I was afraid of. Londontowne, instead of resisting entropy is actually radiating forces to accelerate entropy and...

Gov. Ellinor: Doctor! Look!

All eyes turn towards a tall structure on the horizon that collapses. 

Ellinor: Oh no. 

Bill: Oh Gog! What happened?  

Ellinor: That building earlier today reported a small area of rust corrosion on one support beam.  

The Doctor: Now, total structural failure. Entropy is increasing dramatically, maybe faster than I thought.  

Bill: What are we going to do? 

The Doctor: We're going to have a conversation?  

Bill: A conversation? With whom? 

The Doctor: With my most dangerous arch-enemy.  

Nardole: More dangerous than our friend in the vault? 

The Doctor: Here and now, I'm afraid so, Nardole.

Scene change: a quick look at Londontowne from orbit. That shadow moves ominously closer. Meanwhile, from orbit, we can see the plumes of fire and smoke coming from the surface of the planet are getting worse.  
Scene change: a massive complex of machinery with a glowing orb at the center, surrounded by a ring of advanced controls.  (The one from the earlier Digbee-Dalek encounter) From the orb, several cable extend outward, pulsating with a green tinged energy.  

Bill: You say this enemy of yours is here? 

The Doctor: Yes, the Dalekanium was detected here. But it's shielded. Or rather....

The Doctor withdraws his sonic screwdriver as it makes a trilling noise. With that Davros shimmers into view. 

The Doctor: It was shielded. Hello, Davros.  

Davros: Greetings, Doctor. How kind of you to come and bear witness to my latest triumph.  

The Doctor: I'm here to stop you.  

Davros: I don't think that's possible, Doctor.   

The Doctor: As long as there's life. As long as there is hope. I will stand against you. I WILL stop you. 

Davros: Always the same, Doctor! Setting yourself up as a god! Holding back death! Holding back decay!

The Doctor: I stand on the side of life, Davros! You just sit there in your little Hover-Round, thinking of new ways to kill! New ways to destroy!

Davros: Yes! New ways to kill! New ways to destroy! The glorious work of my Daleks must ever go forward, Doctor! And now, I have turned your own efforts against you!

Davros flips a switch on his console and the destructive explosions around Londontowne grow in number and intensity.

Bill: Doctor! I’m guessing things are getting worse!

Nardole: Well, what else is new? 

The Doctor: Davros! STOP! What are you doing? 

Davros: I believe you will appreciate this: I’ve reversed the polarity of the neutron flow!

The Doctor: NO! You’re insane! That will kill….

Davros: KILL! Yes, kill! Kill everybody! All the millions who dwell on this artificial world! And your friends! And you! Oh at last, Doctor! You will die and you provided me the gun!  And loaded the chamber!

Bill: Doctor! What’s he going on about?

The Doctor: The anti-entropy machine! Davros has corrupted the program. Instead of stopping entropy…

Davros: It accelerates it! Yes! Such destruction! Is it not beautiful?

Nardole: I can’t say I appreciate your sense of aesthetics!

The Doctor approaches the main access panel for the anti-entropy machine and scans it with his sonic screwdriver.

Doctor: Nardole! Bill! Get out of here, now!

Bill: We’re not going to leave you, Doctor!

Nardole: And go where? The whole planet’s falling apart!

The Doctor: I’m going to save this planet! And everyone on it! And you…but only if you go now!

Nardole: You can’t sir! The vault…

The Doctor: Never mind that now! Bill, I will save you! Do you trust me? 

Bill (hesitant): Y..yes?

The Doctor: Then GO! And take cueball with you!

Nardole: Cueball? Hey, that’s…

Bill: Now, Nardole. The Doctor said go!

Nardole: But, miss, we can’t…

Bill grabs Nardole by the ear.

Nardole: Ouch! You don’t have to get so grabby! 

As Bill and Nardole run away, the Doctor continues to scan the machine panel while Davros lurks nearby. 

Davros: Doctor, I’m so disappointed in you. Such a pathetic display. 

The Doctor: Don’t you have somewhere to be? Surely you’re not going down when the planet explodes?

Davros: And miss such beauty? The beauty of death? The beauty of destructions? The force field on my chair will protect me. But what of you? What do you hope to gain by remaining here to die? And giving your… friends? Such false hope?

The Doctor: I’ve got about 1 minute 43 seconds before this world reaches critical mass. I intend to use that time stopping you and saving everyone on Londontowne.

Davros: This is a most distressing sight. You believing your own lies?

The Doctor: Right now, I’m running calculations to correct the Logopolitian algorithms you corrupted and reverse this catastrophic entropy.

Davros: Doctor, the master mathematicians of Logopolis were infinitely superior in their manipulation of numbers and even they required centuries to produce the mathematic formulas to stave off entropy.

The Doctor: They were working on a universal scale; I’m just trying to save a planet. Even so…

The Doctor looks at the reading on his screwdriver.

The Doctor: Looks like I will need about 24 hours to finish the calculations to fix all this.

Davros: And you have less than a minute of life left.

The Doctor: Less than a minute? Oh, that’s ages. I might get bored. Well, that was Plan B anyway.

The Doctor slips the sonic back in his jacket pocket.

The Doctor: This is Plan A. 

The Doctor grabs some exposed wiring from the panel which immediately frames him in blue fire.


Davros: Doctor! What are you doing? 

The Doctor (teeth clench, in the throes of being electrocuted): If I can’t fix the heart, I’ll fix the blood.

Davros: You’re replacing Londontowne’s restorative plasma with your own regeneration energy?!

At that moment, the golden light of regenerations begins to mix with the blue electric fire.

The Doctor: If this is what it takes to save this world, to save my friends, if it takes my life, then TAKE IT!!!

With that the golden energy blots out the blue electric fire as it courses through the Doctor’s arms and his hands and long the cables he’s holding.

The Doctor: TAKE! IT! ALL!!!!!

Davros: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

The glow from the Doctor totally blinds our view. 

Scene change: Bill and Nardole scramble out of the tunnel as Londontowne shakes and sparks about them.

Bill: The Doctor better hurry if he’s going to save the day!

Nardole: Bill, I know what he’s going to do and I don’t see how….

Bill: Nardole, the Doctor said he would save us. I believe him. 

Nardole: Are you saying I should have faith?

Bill: I guess, I am sort of… saying that. Just have a little….

Abruptly, the world stops shaking as golden tendrils of light extend through the structure that surrounds them.

Bill: Faith? 

Nardole: Oooh boy. He’s done it. He’s gone and done it. 

Bill: Done it? Done what? This is the Doctor’s doing, yeah? He’s saved us? 

Nardole: Yeah, he’s saved us. But at what cost? 

Bill: Cost? What are you talking about?

Nardole: Just a moment. I think… Is that him? Doctor?

Out of the tunnel, the Doctor staggers, his suit tattered, singed and smoldering.

Bill: Doctor!

She and Nardole rush over to the Doctor to catch the Doctor before he falls. 

Nardole: Sir! Are you….?

The Doctor: Bill? Nardole? Are we… dead?

Bill: No, we’re alive!

The Doctor: Good! ‘Cause if we were dead, well, this afterlife sucks.

Nardole: No, Londontowne is safe. Bill and I are safe! But you… are you?

The Doctor looks at his hand which is glowing.

The Doctor: Yes. Yes, I am.

Bill: Doctor! Your hand is… What is that? 

The Doctor: Bill, Nardole. Help me to the TARDIS please? 

On either side of the Doctor, Bill and Nardole guide him to the TARDIS. 

Bill: Wait! Doctor, did you say “please”?

The Doctor: What? I can’t be polite?

Bill: It does seem out of character.

Nardole: Oh, he’s just being nice because he’s dying.

Bill: Dying?

Nardole: I said there was a cost.

Bill: Doctor, you can’t be dying! You can’t!

The Doctor: Well, I can. And I am. But I’ve got something for that… in here. 

The Doctor, Bill and Nardole enter the TARDIS.

Inside the TARDIS, the Doctor weakly pulls away from Bill and Nardole as he stagers to the console.

The Doctor: You need to… stand back. 

Bill: Doctor!

Nardole (grasping her arm): You best do as he says, miss. 

The Doctor pulls down the lever and the TARDIS is in motion. 

Bill: Doctor, talk to me! What’s going on?

The Doctor (grimacing): It’s a Time Lord trick… for cheating death.

Nardole: It’s called regeneration, Bill. 

The Doctor: It’s a bit iffy, no guarantees. But if it works, I won’t die!

Bill: But that’s good!

The Doctor: But it means I’m going to… change. I will look different. Act different. I hope I don’t forget to know how to play guitar again.

Bill: Change? But you will still be… you, yeah? 

The Doctor: Still me… but different. But in case this doesn’t work or it does and I become a complete jerk, know this, Bill Potts. You have been… an extraordinary student. And an even better friend. It has been an honor to travel with you.  

Bill sniffs as she sheds a tear. 

The Doctor: And Nardole.

Nardole: Yes, sir?

The Doctor: You were fine.

Nardole: Of course, sir.

More regenerative energy begins to emanate from his body as the Doctor, standing near the console closes his eyes. 

The Doctor (whispers): Rose… (we see a flashback of each person as says their name) Martha…. Donna… Amy and Rory… and... and

Then in his mind’s eye, he sees Clara.

Clara: Run, you clever boy….

The Doctor (his eyes still close, whispers): Clara?

Back to mental image of Clara.

Clara (smiling): And remember.

The Doctor’s eyes fly open wide:

The Doctor: Clara!

And with that, the regeneration effect takes complete hold. Bill and Nardole watch all this with shock and wonder as the Doctor’s features begin to morph and change in the fire of his regeneration.

Suddenly there’s different man in the Doctor’s clothes. He has a thin bone structure, smooth pale skin and red hair. (He looks like Eddie Redmayne) 

New Doctor: WHOOOOAAAAA! Whoa! OK, OK!

Bill: Doctor?

New Doctor: OK, OK, OK. Just take a deep breath.

New Doctor takes a deep breath. And holds it.

Bill: And exhale. 

New Doctor exhales.

New Doctor: Yes, take a deep breath, then exhale. Then lather, rinse, repeat and…

Bill: Doctor!

New Doctor runs over to Bill and stares her in the eye.

New Doctor: What did you call me?

Bill: D.. D… Doctor?

New Doctor: Doctor… Who?

Bill: Just… The Doctor.

New Doctor:  Just… The Doctor?

Bill (smiling): Yes! 

New Doctor: Well, that seems silly!

-------to be continued------

Who. Whoa! WHOA! 

What the....? 

The Doctor has regenerated into a thin, young red headed dude? 

What the....? 

More to come when Londontowne Episode Three posts tomorrow.    

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