Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Doctor Who - Londontowne - Episode Four

Hi there!

Today is Episode Four of a new Doctor Who fan fiction script I've written. I want to get this out before the forthcoming 2017 Christmas special so these episodes will be posting daily.

Click here for Episode One.  

Click here for Episode Two.  

Click here for Episode Three.

NOTE: I'm doing this for fun, not profit. This is not officially sanctioned by the BBC and and the producers of Doctor Who. 

by David Long
 Episode Four  

Scene opens: TARDIS interior with Bill Potts and the new Doctor (who looks like Eddie Redmayne dressed like Gene Wilder's Willy Wonka).  The Doctor is working on a piece of equipment.  

Bill: You're worried.

 New Doctor: Who, me? Worried? 

 Bill: Yes, worried. About what we're going to find out here.  

 The Doctor stops working for a moment. 

 New Doctor: Yes, Bill. I am worried. Very worried. Whatever we're going top find is going to be very bid, very deadly and quite possibly, very much my fault. 

 Bill: Your fault? I don't understand.  

At that moment Cloister Bells begin to ring. 


 Bill: Uh oh! 

 New Doctor: The Cloister Bells. Oh we are in for it now.  You see, the good news is there is but one Dalek out here in orbit just outside Londontowne.  

 Bill: Just one Dalek. But I expect there is a bit ol' "but" coming after that.  

 New Doctor: Indeed, Bill. You see that ONE Dalek is the size of a small world.  

 Bill: A world? 

 New Doctor: Oh yes. Behold, Bill Potts.....

 The Doctor gestures towards a monitor screen.

 Scene Change: outer space, the TARDIS high above a planet shaped like a Dalek. 

 New Doctor (voice over): "THE DALEK PLANET!!"

Scene change: TARDIS interior 

Bill. A. Dalek. Planet.

New Doctor: Well, that is new. Begs the question, what’s living inside of it? 

Bill: Living inside it. 

New Doctor: Yes. Excellent suggestion. Let’s go inside it.  

Bill: Wait! What? I didn’t suggest anything of the sort. 

New Doctor: Time to go…..

The Doctor throws down the main control lever.  

New Doctor: Into the Dalek!!!!

Bill: Hold on! I didn't say anything about going....

Scene change: a curved metal corridor with nodules along the walls. The TARDIS materializes. 


The Doctor and Bill exit.  

Bill: ...into the bloody Dalek!!

New Doctor: And yet, here we are.  

Bill: Where, exactly, are we? 

New Doctor: If a Dalek Planet works like a regular Dalek, we're in a ventilation and maintenance portal beneath the outer Dalekanium shell. Not my first time inside of a Dalek so hopefully I can find my way around. 

Bill: Not your first time. 

New Doctor: I was miniaturized once to explore inside a Dalek. I'm hoping the Planet layout is the same. 

Bill: Just bigger, I suppose. 

New Doctor:  Given relativity of scale, I'm hoping not too much bigger.  Not if I'm going to shut down a Dalek the size of a world.  

The Doctor and Bill navigate down the corridor.  

Bill: Doctor, you said this might be your fault. 

New Doctor: Yes, I did say that. 

Bill: Why? 

New Doctor:  Because this may well be my fault. 

Bill: OK but why....

New Doctor: Sush!  Be very, very still. 

Blue lights approach, hover about the Doctor and Bill for a moment. Bill is scared but stays still as the blue lights move on.  

Bill: What the hell was that? 

New Doctor: Protection drones. Think mechanical anti-bodies.  

Bill: They left us alone. 

New Doctor: They did not perceive us as a threat.  

Bill: Their mistake, right? 

New Doctor: Their mistake and our benefit.  

Bill: Why do you think this is your fault?  

New Doctor: As I noted earlier, Davros created a threat to Londontowne that had a very specific solution: forcing me to regenerate to use my Time Lord energies to save the planet. Davros tried this before to increase the powers of his Daleks back on Skaro.  

Bill: So you think Davros used your regeneration to jump start this Dalek Planet.  

New Doctor: Bill Potts, you are quite astute.  

Bill: But you did what you had to do. Time was running and all the millions of people on Londontowne would've died.  

New Doctor: True. But think about this. Davros was turning Londontowne into a Reality Bomb, perhaps the most dangerous weapon ever created. And he used that weapon as a lure to bring this Dalek Planet to life.  

Bill: So you think the Dalek Planet is the bigger threat? 

New Doctor: It stands to reason.  

Davros (off screen): A very correct assumption.

The Doctor and Bill turn sharply as Davros hovers into view, approaching them. 

New Doctor: Davros!  

Davros: You've changed your appearance. It is... off putting.  

New Doctor: Never mind how I look, Davros. Be more concerned about what I'm going to do. 

Davros: Do? What you are going to do? My, my, Doctor. Has regeneration rattled your already unbalanced mind? There is nothing you can do? 

New Doctor: You forget I've had my share of victories against the Daleks over the centuries. 

Davros: But this different. This represents Dalek power unsurpassed! This represents Dalek superiority unstoppable! This is the destiny of the Daleks made manifest. A world to end all other worlds!  

New Doctor: The size of a tank or the size of a world, a Dalek is still a tin can! 

Davros: You cannot stand against my ultimate achievement! Alone and without any weapons! 

New Doctor: Weapons? Ha! I’ve never needed weapons! Now tools? Oh, I do love tools! Like this one!

New Doctor withdraws a device shaped like a long tube with a sort of claw on the end.

New Doctor: Say hello to my new little friend!

The New Doctor presses a button and the tube radiates a deafening howl with a burst of blue white energy from the claw that strikes and shatters a wall.

New Doctor: What do you think of my sonic hammer?

The walls around the Doctor and Davros rattle and shake as a low groaning noises fills the corridor.

New Doctor: Granted it lacks the nuance of my sonic screwdriver but going up against a Dalek the size of a small planet, yeah, it’ll do. 

The groaning continues as the corridor continues to shudder.

Davros: What have you done, Doctor?

New Doctor: What I’ve done is I’ve hurt your Dalek leviathan!

Davros: Hurt? Hurt… my Dalek? Oh Doctor, after all these centuries, no matter what face you wear….

Suddenly the shuddering stops as light begins to course down pipes and tubing along the corridor.

Davros: You are still such a fool!  HURT MY DALEK?!?! HA!!!

The Doctor looks very worried as it is clear the Dalek Planet is powering up.

Bill: Oh oh. I don't like this. 

New Doctor: Neither do I, Bill.  

In the side wall of the corridor, a view port opens. We see Londontowne in space.   

Bill: Docto, I think he's going to.....

Davros: My children FEED on pain! Suffering is nourishment to a Dalek! HURT MY DALEK?!?!

New Doctor: ….no….

Davros: HURT gives a Dalek POWER!! With HURT, a Dalek lives!!! With HURT, Doctor, a Dalek….

New Doctor: No, you can’t….

Davros: DESTROYS!!!!!

Scene change: outer space above the surface of the Dalek planet, the gian turrent that extends from the northern hemisphere of the planet blasts forth a torrent of destriuctive energy, energy that crosses the chasm of space towards Londontowne.

Scene change: surface of Londontowne  as people stare up in alarm at he sky as a blt of energy rips through the atmosphere, brighter than the sun.

Nardole looks up, almost more forlorn than frightened. 

Nardole: Well, I guess that’s that. 

Scene change: back to outer space as the energy burst strikes Londontowne as the artificial world shatters in a paroxysm of fire and death against the black tableau of space.   

Scene change: back to the interior of the Dalek Planet. The Doctor and Bill stand shocked and horrified.

Bill (sobbing): Oh my God. No. 

Davros: The first of many, Doctor. My Dalek World will move through the cosmos and time itself to cleanse the universe, all existence of that which is… inferior. Here it begins.

New Doctor: …no…..

The Doctor glares at Davros, his eyes filled with rage. With a flick of his wrist, his sonic hammer begins to pulsate with energy as he aims the device at Davros.

New Doctor: NO! Here it ENDS!

Bill: Doctor!  

Davros: Really? This… this is your breaking point… Doctor? 

New Doctor: No! As of this moment, I am no longer the Doctor! And you Davros…

Our view zooms in on the cracking energy of the sonic hammer as the Doctor’s eyes narrow with cold fury….

New Doctor: No longer have any time!

Bill: Doctor! NO!   

------to be continued---------

Tomorrow, Londontowne - Episode Five. 

The epic finale. 

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