Thursday, December 21, 2017

Doctor Who - Londontowne - Episode Five

Hi there!

Today is Episode Five of a new Doctor Who fan fiction script I've written.

Click here for Episode One.  

Click here for Episode Two.  

Click here for Episode Three.

Click here for Episode Four.

NOTE: I'm doing this for fun, not profit. This is not officially sanctioned by the BBC and and the producers of Doctor Who. 

by David Long
 Episode Five

Scene opens: Outer space as energy bursts from the Dalek Planet to strike Londontowne as the artificial world shatters in a paroxysm of fire and death against the black tableau of space.   

Scene change: back to the interior of the Dalek Planet. The Doctor and Bill stand shocked and horrified.

Bill (sobbing): Oh my God. No. 

Davros: The first of many, Doctor. My Dalek World will move through the cosmos and time itself to cleanse the universe, all existence of that which is… inferior. Here it begins.

New Doctor: …no…..

The Doctor glares at Davros, his eyes filled with rage. With a flick of his wrist, his sonic hammer begins to pulsate with energy as he aims the device at Davros.

New Doctor: NO! Here it ENDS!

Bill: Doctor!  

Davros: Really? This… this is your breaking point… Doctor? 

New Doctor: No! As of this moment, I am no longer the Doctor! And you Davros…

Our view zooms in on the cracking energy of the sonic hammer as the Doctor’s eyes narrow with cold fury….

New Doctor: No longer have any time!

Bill: Doctor! NO! Stop! 

New Doctor: Why? 

Bill: You’re going to just straight up murder Davros?  

New Doctor: This wretched fiend and his abominable planet just MURDERED an entire world! Millions dead! Butchered!  With a weapon he used ME to help create! 

Davros: At last, Doctor! Your true self revealed. The rage of a time lord. 

New Doctor: You think NOW is a good time to taunt me, Davros! I’m holding a sonic hammer that is about to liquefy your shriveled head. 

Davros: Kill me if you must. My creation, my Dalek World, will carry forth my legacy. And with my death, I will know the Doctor is destroyed. 

Bill: No! Don’t kill him! 

New Doctor: Doesn’t he deserve to die? 

Bill: You know what? Yeah. Davros deserves to die…. But you don’t deserve to be a killer. The Doctor is not a killer. 

Davros: You don’t know the blood that’s already on his hands. This so-called “Doctor”, destroyer of worlds. 

New Doctor: And perhaps, Bill, I can’t call myself “The Doctor” anymore. 

Bill: No, you are still the Doctor. 


Bill: To me. You’re still the Doctor… to me.   

It’s a moment fraught with tension as the Doctor stands pointing the sonic hammer at Davros when suddenly there is a loud DING.   

Bill: What? 

New Doctor: What? 

Davros: What? 

New Doctor: Hold on. 

The Doctor pushes a button which powers down the sonic hammer. 

Davros: What is the meaning of….? 

Bill: Doctor?  

New Doctor: Shhh. Hush.  

We hear the sound again: DING. 

New Doctor: Okay then. 

The Doctor returns the sonic hammer to one of his coat pockets and then withdraws from an interior pocket his sonic screwdriver. The Doctor looks at the device  which has a slight glow on one end and then it goes DING. 

New Doctor (smiling): It’s my sonic screwdriver. My good old trusty sonic screwdriver. 

The Doctors kisses the screwdriver. 

New Doctor: Mwah! And it goes ding when there’s stuff. 

Bill: Stuff? 

New Doctor: You know, stuff! All sorts of stuff. Like the stuff of life. The stuff that dreams are made of. Or even… hope. 

Davros: Doctor? Has grief driven you... mad? 

New Doctor: Mad? Mad? Hah! Yes, I’m MAD! But not from grief, you shriveled up raisin in a bumper car! No! I am MAD with HOPE!  

The Doctor takes Bill by the hand. 

New Doctor: Hello, I must be going.  

The Doctor & Bill run off as Davros slowly slides forward.  

Davros: Doctor! Whatever game you’re playing, you cannot win! 

Scene change: Still running inside the planet sized Dalek, the Doctor & Bill quickly approach and enter the TARDIS. 

Scene change: interior of the TARDIS as the Doctor & Bill scramble through the doorway. 

Bill: Doctor! Are you all right? 

Bill hugs the Doctor.  

New Doctor: I’m fine, I’m fine.  

Then we hear that sound again: DING! 

Bill: What is going on with your sonic screwdriver? 

New Doctor: Oh, that. Yes….

The Doctor fumbles with his coat pockets then produces his sonic screwdriver. 

New Doctor: My sonic screwdriver. It goes “ding” when there’s hope.  

Bill: So you said but…. 

The Doctor approaches the console and enters coordinates. 

Bill: I don’t understand. 

New Doctor: If I’m right and you know, I usually am….

The Doctor has a sly smile as he pulls down the main control lever. 

New Doctor: I think I can make everything right again. 

The TARDIS console column starts turning.   

Then the Doctor’s smile fades.

New Doctor: Except….

Bill: Except… what? 

New Doctor: I didn’t think this through. Bill, I’m sorry. I am so, so sorry. 

Bill: Doctor? 

New Doctor: If this works, you, Bill Potts, will cease to exist. 

Bill does not move as she stares at the Doctor, stunned, not quite processing what he just said. Then…

Bill: What?   

Scene change: exterior of the TARDIS in the Dalek corridor as it fades from view as Davros trundles up. 

Davros: Curious. Most curious indeed.  So consumed by rage, the Doctor so close to murder. Why would he….?   

Then Davros spies in the place where the TARDIS once was a cylindrical device. 

Davros: The Doctor’s…. what did he call it? Yes. His sonic hammer. Bah. The Doctor and his silly toys. 

Davros turns in his chair, laughing maniacally.  

Davros: Ha, ha, ha! But I have a WORLD!!!! The ultimate, unbeatable Dalek that will lay waste to the COSMOS! All that is NOT Dalek will be EXTERMINATED!!!!

Scene change: outer space as we see the Dalek Planet crash through another planet.  

Scene change: interior of the TARDIS.  

Bill: What do you mean I will cease to exist? 

New Doctor: OK, so there was a crucial moment 

Flashback to Episode Two with the 12th Doctor and Davors and the central control nodule for Londontowne.  

The 12th Doctor: I’ve got about 1 minute 43 seconds before this world reaches critical mass. I intend to use that time stopping you and saving everyone on Londontowne.

 Davros: This is a most distressing sight. You believing your own lies?

The 12th Doctor: Right now, I’m running calculations to correct the Logopolitian algorithms you corrupted and reverse this catastrophic entropy.

 Davros: Doctor, the master mathematicians of Logopolis were infinitely superior in their manipulation of numbers and even they required centuries to produce the mathematic formulas to stave off entropy.

 The 12th Doctor: They were working on a universal scale; I’m just trying to save a planet. Even so…

 The Doctor looks at the reading on his screwdriver.

 The 12 Doctor: Looks like I will need about 24 hours to finish the calculations to fix all this.

Back to the present inside the TARDIS with Bill and the New Doctor.  The Doctors waves the sonic screwdriver. 

New Doctor: That’s why the screwdriver hasn’t been working. It’s entire software was devoted to correcting the anti entropy algorithm. 24 hours later, that work is done.   

Bill: But what good is that? Londontowne is destroyed now.  

New Doctor: Really, do I need to remind you what the “T” in TARDIS stands for?  

Bill: So you’ll go back in time and input the corrected formula? 

New Doctor: Yes, exactly.

Bill: OK, aren’t there some kind of time travel rules against that sort of thing? 

New Doctor: Yes, exactly.

Bill: But you don’t care? 

New Doctor: Yes, exactly.

Bill: But what about me not existing? 

New Doctor: The “you” that has come to be for the last 24 hours, that person will vanish.  On the other hand, the you that existed 24 hours ago will go on from that point.

Bill: But Nardole will be alive. 

New Doctor: Yes. 

Bill: And everyone on Londontowne will be saved. 

New Doctor: The whole planet will be as good as new.  

Bill: And that Dalek Planet out there?

New Doctor: Will just remain an inert piece of junk. 

Bill: So this day of my life will never have existed? 

New Doctor: Sorry. No.  

Bill: One day in exchange for a lifetime? For a whole world of lifetimes? 

Bill shrugs.

Bill: I can live with that. 

New Doctor: You are most remarkable, Miss. Potts. 

Bill: But what about you? This… version of you? 

New Doctor: If my previous self doesn’t need to regenerate, then I…this version of me… will have never existed.  

Bill: So I’ll be stuck with the angry eyebrows.  

New Doctor: Sorry about that. 

Bill: No, don’t be. That version of you is all right. You took a chance on me. Showed me the world, a universe even. But you, if only for a short time…. You have been a very good Doctor.  

New Doctor: Thank you, Bill. 

Bill: Maybe I’ll see you again when you do need to regenerate? 

New Doctor: Nah. Regeneration can be extremely random. When or if I regenerate again, I have no idea what’ll be. Man or woman. All I know for certain is…. It won’t be me. 

The TARDIS columns stop turning. 

New Doctor: We have arrived. 

Bill: And we have a world to save. 

New Doctor: Yes, we have a world to save. 

The Doctor smiles. 

New Doctor: Come along, Miss Potts. 

Smiling as she takes his arm, Bill and the Doctor exit the TARDIS.   

Scene change: a massive complex of machinery with a glowing orb at the center, surrounded by a ring of advanced controls.  From the orb, several cable extend outward, pulsating with a green tinged energy.  

Bill (Bill-Two) and the New Doctor enter from a side chamber when they catch sight of the 12th Doctor, Bill’s earlier self (Bill-One) and Nardole confronting Davros. 

Bill-Two (whispering): Look! There we are! 

New Doctor (also whispering): Shh! We need time this correctly. 

New Doctor withdraws his sonic screwdriver. 

Bill-Two: Hey! That’s my butt. 

New Doctor: Yes, that is you and your butt attached. 

Bill-Two: Not a bad looking butt, if I do say so myself.  

New Doctor: Yes, it’s perfectly adequate for sitting. Now, I need to focus if I’m to get this right.  

Davros: Greetings, Doctor. How kind of you to come and bear witness to my latest triumph.  

The 12th Doctor: I'm here to stop you.  

New Doctor: Oh, am I always that pompous?   

The 12th Doctor: As long as there's life. As long as there is hope. I will stand against you. I WILL stop you. 

New Doctor: I had NO idea what I was going to do next.   

Bill-Two: I always expected as much. 

The walls start shaking around them.

Bill-Two: Londontowne’s starting to fall apart. 

New Doctor: Davros is accelerating the entropy effect.   

Davros: KILL! Yes, kill! Kill everybody! All the millions who dwell on this artificial world! And your friends! And you! Oh at last, Doctor! You will die and you provided me the gun!  And loaded the chamber!

Bill One: Doctor! What’s he going on about?

The 12th Doctor: The anti-entropy machine! Davros has corrupted the program. Instead of stopping entropy…

Davros: It accelerates it! Yes! Such destruction! Is it not beautiful?

 Nardole: I can’t say I appreciate your sense of aesthetics!

New Doctor: OK, the moment’s approaching….

The Doctor approaches the main access panel for the anti-entropy machine and scans it with his sonic screwdriver.

The 12th Doctor: Nardole! Bill! Get out of here, now!

 Bill-One: We’re not going to leave you, Doctor!

 Nardole: And go where? The whole planet’s falling apart!

 The 12th Doctor: I’m going to save this planet! And everyone on it! And you…but only if you go now!

Bill-Two: Doctor?

The New Doctor is aiming his screwdriver towards the 12th Doctor.  

New Doctor: The sonic screwdriver needs to finish it’s scan but I have to intervene before the sonic’s software is committed to analyzing that data.    

The 12th Doctor: Never mind that now! Bill, I will save you! Do you trust me? 

Bill-One (hesitant): Y..yes?

Bill –Two watches silently as she brushes away a tear.   

As Bill-One and Nardole run away, the Doctor continues to scan the machine panel while Davros lurks nearby. 

 Davros: Doctor, I’m so disappointed in you. Such a pathetic display. 

 The 12th Doctor: Don’t you have somewhere to be? Surely you’re not going down when the planet explodes?

 Davros: And miss such beauty? The beauty of death? The beauty of destruction? The force field on my chair will protect me. But what of you? What do you hope to gain by remaining here to die? And giving your… friends? Such false hope?

 The 12th Doctor: I’ve got about 1 minute 43 seconds before this world reaches critical mass. I intend to use that time stopping you and saving everyone on Londontowne.

 Davros: This is a most distressing sight. You believing your own lies?

 The 12th Doctor: Right now, I’m running calculations to correct the Logopolitian algorithms you corrupted and reverse this catastrophic entropy.

 Davros: Doctor, the master mathematicians of Logopolis were infinitely superior in their manipulation of numbers and even they required centuries to produce the mathematic formulas to stave off entropy.

The 12th Doctor: They were working on a universal scale; I’m just trying to save a planet. Even so…

New Doctor: Now!

The New Doctor’s sonic glows.  

 The 12th Doctor looks at the reading on his screwdriver.

 The 12th Doctor: Oh. 

Davros: Pity, Doctor. Time has run out, has it not? I estimate you have less than a minute of life left and the caluculations to restore the Logopolis anti-entropy algorithm will take about 24….

The 12th Doctor: …seconds! 

Davros: hours…what?   

The 12th Doctor’s sonic screwdriver goes DING!  

The 12th Doctor: I am rather surprised and I mean that most sincerely. But the calculations are complete. 

Davros: This is impossible!

The 12th Doctor: Doing the impossible, Davros?  

The 12th Doctor pushes the sonic screwdriver into a portal of the control panel which begins to glow. The green energy pulsating through the conduits changes to blue as the everything stops shaking. 

The 12th Doctor: I am the Doctor! And doing the impossible is how I roll! 

From their vantage point, Bill-Two and New Doctor watch.  

Bill-Two: Doctor, Londontowne has stopped shaking. 

New Doctor: Yes and we’re starting to fade. 

Bill-Two: Yes, we are. Wow. 

New Doctor takes Bill-Two’s hand.  

New Doctor: Are you afraid? 

Bill-Two: No. It looks like we succeeded. Everyone is going to live. 

New Doctor: Yes, we saved this world and stopped Davros. 

Bill-Two: You seem….sad.  

New Doctor: Just a little selfish I suppose. No one will remember when the Doctor was me.   

Bill-Two smiles as she clutches the New Doctor’s hand a little tighter. He smiles too as they both fade from view.    

Back to the 12th Doctor and Davros.  

The Doctor: So, Davros, it looks like Londontowne is not falling down anymore.  

Davros (enraged): Whatever trickery you played to solve that formula so quickly, you have on bought yourself a mere reprieve. 

The Doctor: Been there, done that, have a whole box of t-shirts. 

Davros: Remember this, Doctor: I still yet live and while I live, I shall destroy you and all you hold dear. 

A glow surrounds Davros and his chair as he begins to teleport away. 

Davros: Davros lives! Davros destroys! Davros lives! Davros destroys! 

And with that, Davros vanishes.  

The Doctor silently watches the empty space where Davros was, slides the sonic back in his jacket pocket and walks away. 

Scene change:  surface of Londontowne as the Doctor walks out of a tunnel towards a awaiting Bill and Nardole. 

Bill: Doctor! 

Bill runs to the Doctor and hugs him.  

Bill: You're all right. Nardole sounded like you were going to, I don't know, die or something. 

Nardole: Great. Now I owe Bill 5 pounds. 

Bill: I belive we settled on 10, Nardole.  

The Doctor: Sorry to disappoint you, Nardole. 

Nardole: All in good fun. Glad you're OK, Doctor but...

Leaning closer to the Doctor, quieter.

Nardole: What happened down there? 

The Doctor: I repaired the Logopolis algorithm.  

Nardole: But you didn't have time to do that....

The Doctor: And yet, here we are.  

Nardole: And here we are.  

The Doctor: Nardole, we need to get back to the 21st century and the university....immediately.  

Nardole: Immediately, sir?  

The Doctor: Of course. The vault isn't going to guard itself. Really, you need to cultivate more of a sense of urgency. 

Nardole's eyes narrow as he turns muttering to himself as he heads for the TARDIS. 

Meanwhile, Gov. Ellinor approaches.  

Ellinor: My dear Doctor! You've done it again! The breakdowns have ceased and the energy conduits are generating repairs to all damages and malfunctions. 

The Doctor: The anti-entropy engine is back to optimal functioning. Still, as good as an anti-entropy engine might be, it might be prudent at some point in the future to look at a different way at keeping Londontowne in peak condition. 

Ellinor: I believe I see your point. Perhaps it made us too complacent. 

The Doctor: And the level of danger you're exposed to should the Logopolis formula be corrupted again.... well, that's for another day. 

Ellinor: Indeed. So for now, we're fine. 

The Doctor: You're fine. It's been a pleasure to see you again, Governor, but my friends and I must be on our way.  

Ellinor: Of course. Until we meet again, may you know good fortune and happiness. 

The Doctor bows slightly. 

The Doctor: And likewise to you, milady. 

The Doctor and Bill head towards the TARDIS. The Doctor's eyes nervously scan the skies. 

Bill: Doctor, something's bothering you. 

The Doctor: I suppose so. I won. I saved Londontowne, thwarted Davros and.... I'm not really sure how that happened. 

Bill: Sometimes you just get lucky, you know? 

The Doctor: Maybe but I believe in making my own luck,

Bill: I tend to agree. After all, we are are the music-makers...

The Doctor: And we are the dreamers of dreams. 

Bill pauses and makes a face, like she's trying to remember something. The Doctor looks pensive for a moment.  


The Doctor: C'mon, Bill. Let's go. 

Bill (smiling): Go where? 

The Doctor: Whereever it is, don't tell Nardole. 

Bill and the Doctor enter the TARDIS. The light on the top flashes as the blue box fades.  


And the TARDIS vanishes, leaving by the peaceful, futuristic spires of Londontowne.  


And that brings us to the end of that journey. 

A real, NEW adventure of Doctor Who is coming on Christmas Day. 

More Who stuff coming up on the blog thing tomorrow.  

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