Wednesday, March 14, 2018

In Memory: Wednesday, February 14th

Today is Wednesday, March 14th. On this day and date last month, 17 people at a high school in Parkland FL were facing the last day of their lives. Students, teachers, none of them aware of the fatal fate awaiting them at the end of the school day. None of them deserved to die. None of them needed to die.

But die they did because of feckless so-called leaders who think the right of a teenage malcontent to own an automatic weapon is more important than the rights of people to not be shot in the face.

We’ve faced these tragedies too often only to have nothing done. Politicians would ring their hands in smug self-righteousness, offering thoughts and prayers instead of real solutions to protect the citizens they’re elected to serve.

50 people died in a massacre in a nightclub in Orlando FL. Nothing changed.

As many people died at a concert in Las Vegas. Nothing changed.

Children were slaughtered in Sandy Hook. Children, for God’s sake and NOTHING CHANGED!

Wednesday, February 14th, 17 people at a high school in Parkland FL were gunned down. Will once more the result be nothing changed?

Today is Wednesday, March 14th and the answer to the lives lost in Parkland FL is NO! Something must change! Something will be done! Our future demands it and the future demands it today!

Today, thousands of students at schools all across our nation are going to stand up and walk out of class, a unified protest against the failures of yesterday, a protest for action today, a protest for protecting our tomorrows. 

We must answer for the lives lost to gun violence. We must answer the call to protect our children, to ensure that the blessings of life and liberty for all our citizens are not stolen at the end of a blazing gun barrel. 

Our nation was founded on the ideals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These ideals cannot flourish in a world of fear, pain, violence and death. Today, our young people will make their voices heard.

In memory of those 17 people killed in Parkland FL, who did not deserve to die, who did not need to die, “Nothing changed” will not be an acceptable out come.

Something must change. Something must be done. God willing and these students make their voices heard, perhaps finally, something will be done. 

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