Friday, March 16, 2018

The Russian Thing

The Russian Thing is still a thing. The House committee looking into this has declared the opposite, that the Russian Thing is NOT a thing but the Senate committee is still looking into this as is special counsel Robert Mueller.

Specifically, the Republicans running the House committee investigating the Russian Thing have said there’s nothing going on here. The Democrats on that committee seem to think such a pronouncement is premature but they are not in charge and we all know the Dems are just a bunch of pussies who can’t cope that Hillary lost, right?

Should we address that House committee chairperson Devin Nunes has been in the tank for Trump since day one? Probably no need for that since we can be sure that Nunes would not be biased in favor of Trump, now would he? 

Meanwhile, the office of special counsel Robert Mueller still thinks the Russian Thing is still a thing. It looks like Bob wants to chat with Li’l Donnie Trump himself which could be a problem for Trump. His own lawyers don’t like this because of Trump’s active aversion to facts. What you and I call “lying”. 

There is also Trump’s active aversion to intelligence. What you and I call “stupidity”.  

There are concerns that Mueller could “trick” Trump somehow. And Trump, a man who has frequently boasted of his smarts, would fall for it.

Maybe such trickery would go down like this.

Mueller: Did you collude with Russia?

Trump: No.

Mueller: Yeah, you’re too stupid to know how to collude with Russia.

Trump: Too stupid”? Me? I’m smart. I know all the best words! ME? Let me tell you….

(30 minutes later)

Trump: Then Jared gave the envelope of unmarked bills to Manafort who made the drop at a park bench in Moscow. Then Putin sent the data file to Assange who posted Panetta’s emails! Me? Too stupid to collude with Russia? HA!

 Oh, that darn Mueller, he's a sneaky one, ain't he? 

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