Sunday, March 11, 2018

Missing Church On This Fine Sunday Morning

Hello there!


This post is going up live on a Sunday morning. But are you in church today?


Maybe not due to the vagaries of the semi-annual time change hell we put ourselves through this weekend here in the U.S. of A. 


This weekend is “spring forward” which means we lose an hour of our weekend.


This is stupid and we don’t really need to do this ourselves. 


That we still call this time scale “Daylight Savings Time” is inherently bogus. The time scale we call “standard time” is NOT the standard. We are on standard time less than we are on “DST”.


We’re not saving any daylight. Yeah, it stays day light longer in the evening but just mean who have to haul your ass up in the morning in the pitch black darkness.


Another reason I HATE “Daylight Savings Time” is that it takes all night to get dark. And I’ve been doing that joke for nearly 50 years and one day, someone is going to laugh at it! Laugh, damn you! LAUGH!


OK, “Daylight Savings Time” makes me a little crazy. 


Anyway, you may not be in church because you lost an hour of sleep last night. 


Or maybe you’re not in church because you’re frickin’ disillusioned with Christianity.


And if you are, it might be  because of this asshole. Behold: Robert Jeffress, head pastor of the First Baptist Dallas megachurch. 


“Evangelicals still believe in the commandment: Thou shalt not have sex with a porn star. However, whether this president violated that commandment or not is totally irrelevant to our support of him.”


Robert Jeffress was on (where else?) Fox News on Thursday when he had this to say. “Evangelicals knew they weren’t voting for an altar boy when they voted for Donald Trump. We supported him because of his policies and his strong leadership.”


Jeffress suggested there’s pretty much nothing Trump can do to alienate him as long as he delivers on those policies.


“I‘m his friend,” he said. “I will never walk away.”


Porn star Stormy Daniels was reportedly paid $130,000 just before the 2016 election to keep silent about an alleged affair with Trump. Now she is suing the president, claiming the agreement is invalid because he never signed it.


Robert Jeffress, head pastor of the First Baptist Dallas megachurch, really doesn’t care if Li’l Donnie Trump fucked Stormy Daniels or not, as long as evangelicals are getting something out of Trump.  


So in addition to that hour of lost sleep last night, stuff like this from Robert Jeffress, head pastor of the First Baptist Dallas megachurch, is not to make you mutter “Oh why bother?”, roll over and go back to sleep on this Sunday morning.   


Here is some more bullshit from Robert Jeffress, head pastor of the First Baptist Dallas megachurch.


Last year, he said NFL players who kneel to protest racial injustice should “be thanking God” they haven’t been “shot in the head.”


He also said Trump has God’s support if he wants to “take out” North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.


Robert Jeffress, head pastor of the First Baptist Dallas megachurch, seems to support murder against those who he disagrees with, hardly what one would describe as a good Christian perspective.

Who can blame you for missing church this fine Sunday morning? 

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