Sunday, April 28, 2019

Avengers: Endgame

So the fam ventured forth from the Fortress of Ineptitude to see Avengers: Endgame. 

You are NOT going to believe this but the internet was right: 

Ant-Man flew up Thanos' butt and enlarged to giant sized!

I KNOW, right? 

OK, I'm kidding, I'm kidding! 

Here's how Avengers: Endgame went down.

Written and illustrated by Nick Perks

Wait a minute! Really!

No, not really.

So what pray tell does happen in Avengers: Endgame?

The answer? A lot happens in Avengers: Endgame!

I could give you some kind of plot recap but it would just be a rote recitation of events that could not capture the heart of this amazing film. 

And it is an amazing film. 

Yes, it's three freakin' hours long but I didn't honestly feel it. I would be hard pressed to say what if anything would be cut from this film.  

So no formal recap but here's a breakdown on the structure of the movie. It's kind of spoilerish so there's that.  

The team finds out where Thanos is and hops into outer space on a mission of revenge. Thanos is dealt with but all our problems left from Thano's finger snap remain: half of all living things in the universe is gone.

Next up is a time jump that finds that even with a passage of time, people on Earth are still not coping well with half of the population being reduced to dust. It's kind of a sad world, all in all, devoid of hope. Then Scott Lang, Ant-Man is own damn self, shows up with some crazy ass time travel shit he's picked up from the quantum realm. Suddenly, there is a glimmer, however faint, of some hope. 

Next up: TIME TRAVEL!!!! Things get a little wonky here as various Avengers intersect with events from the first Avengers film from 2012, Thor: The Dark World and the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie. It's the epitome of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey but it's a lot of fun watching all these pieces in motion. One spoiler: Captain America has to kick Captain America's ass. As future Steve Rogers says, "You've gotta be shitting me." (I know, Steve's swearing now!) 

The final act is a big, knock down epic showdown with anyone who has ever been in a Marvel movie showing up.  

Then there is the epilogue, moments to take stock of the world, to celebrate those we've regained, to look forward to new adventures and new challenges and to mourn those who made valiant sacrifices to get to the end. And one poignant, bittersweet goodbye to close out the film.  

There is way too much to talk about in this movie. If I were to document every funny scene, every super dramatic moment, every call back, ever cool cameo, I would be writing this all day.  

Avengers: Endgame does bring the Marvel Cinematic Universe to a definitive denouement but also lays the ground work for much more to come.  

Like Infinity War, you may feel emotionally spent coming out of Endgame. 

But it's a good kind of tired.  

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