No, it is NOT a pigeon.
And no, this is not much of a blog post either.
What's on my mind?
Well, the fat fuck in the White House pisses me off on a regular basis. The Washington Post reports that Trump recently crossed a significant threshold, telling 10,000 lies since taking office. This should matter. But it doesn't.
Less of a political bent and more in the arena of pop culture, Netflix has pissed me off by cancelling Santa Clarita Diet after three seasons. Let me say that Santa Clarita Diet is the single funniest show on TV today. Is this my opinion? No, it is a stone cold fact and if you disagree, well, you are entitled to your incredibly wrong perspective.
I haven't read Heroes In Crisis#8 yet but I'm hearing I'm going to hate it. I'll probably catch up on my comic book purchases while I'm at Acme Comics this Saturday for Free Comic Book Day. So I got that to look forward to.

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